Luna Fidelis

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"You're sure about this, Luna." Neville asked with concern, as he looked at one his best friends.

"Absolutely, this is necessary. It's been years. We need to get him out." Luna said coldly.

Luna had changed so much from the girl she used to be. The dreamy naive girl that the entirety of Hogwarts had known was gone, erased from history. She had truly disappeared the day Harry James Potter was falsely convicted by the Wizengamot for the murder, torture and rape of Ginevra Weasley.

Harry had been one of the only people to never mock her slightly bizarre tendencies. He had been there for her and offered his kindness freely. When he had been sent to Azkaban for such a heinous crime, Luna had been disbelieving. Such a kind soul would have never committed such atrocities, especially to someone he loved and saw as a friend and maybe more.

The blonde had been even more horrified when his two best friends, Ron and Hermione, had believed him capable of harming Ginny in such a way. Luna had never understood. The trio had seemed so tight knit, so loyal, so loving. It was baffling for them to have turned on him so quickly. They had even testified against him.

From what was to be believed, Harry had been magically stunned when he was discovered next to Ginny's mutilated body. When he had been woken up, he insisted that he was completely innocent of any wrongdoing. Luna believed him entirely. His conviction and imprisonment was simply the result of a corrupted leading body that had a nonsensical grudge against an unlucky fifteen year old.

Luna had been present at the trial. She had seen it with her own eyes. The glee in Minister Fudge's eyes, when Harry had been convicted, was something that still simultaneously scared and enraged her to this day. It made her blood boil. The same glee had been present in Umbridge's eyes when she announced Harry's fate to the entire student body of Hogwarts. That woman was a vile toad, thankfully she was no longer anywhere near the ministry. Fudge had also been voted out of office. She had happily celebrated that event.

Luna had tried offering Harry support during the trial. Before his departure for Azkaban, she had caught his eye and tried to express her belief in him. Harry had nodded almost imperceptibly, and it had been enough for her. It was incomprehensible to her that she, Neville and the twins were some of the only people close to Harry that had believed him to be innocent. Hadn't they seen Harry's kindness and selflessness? Had they been completely blind to Harry's love for Ginny? Apparently, they were.

Seeing Molly Weasley's tears at the new of Ginny's death, torture and rape had broken her heart. That woman loved her children unconditionally. She was overbearing, judgemental and so flawed, but no one could deny that she loved her children dearly. However, when she had seen the venomous glare in her eyes when she looked at Harry, the pieces of Luna's heart were put back together very quickly. That woman had loved and treated Harry like a seventh son. She had known him. Was it so difficult to even consider that he was innocent?

Luna had been fourteen when Harry was unjustly imprisoned in front of her innocent eyes. Ever since, she had campaigned for his release from what she considered hell on earth. She had refused to join the order when asked. The blonde was unable to sit in the same room as the people who had sentenced Harry to Azkaban. It was impossible for her. Those people also judged and begrudged her for wholeheartedly believing in Harry's innocence. Just looking at Ron and Hermione made her sick. Two people who had cruelly condemned their supposed best friend with absolutely no evidence.

People often forgot that Luna had been one of Ginny's closest friends. She and Ginny had met at a very young age and had been friends ever since. Luna had been devastated and heartbroken when the news of Ginny's grisly death had reached her. She had broken down and cried alone in a deserted corridor. No one had been there for her. Everyone seemed to have forgotten that Luna loved Ginny, that they were close friends. No one had ever bothered to ask what she thought about the events that had led to Ginny's death.

People looked at her like she was crazy when she even expressed the idea that Harry might have been innocent. It seemed that they all had forgotten that Harry had enemies. Harry had been seen as crazy long before Ginny's death had transpired. No one seemed to remember the smear campaign the same ministry that had condemned Harry had led against an innocent teenage boy who only ever wanted for people to know the truth. People looked at her like she was crazy, but she was used to it. It did not faze her. People were fickle, their opinions were not something that she cared about, not anymore.

She had worked so hard to even make people believe that Harry had been falsely convicted. She had faced so many obstacles. She had used every legal mean to try and get Harry out of prison, to try to get Harry a retrial. She had dedicated her life to it. Today was the day that everything she had worked for either resulted in a miracle or crashed and burned.

Today, she was going to break Harry out of Azkaban with the help of Neville, the twins and multiple other people who believed in her cause. She was lucky to have been able to find a couple of likeminded souls that believed Harry to be innocent, to be the victim of an unjust government. It was very likely that her endeavour was going to epically fail. It could make things worse or engineer a change. She definitely preferred the latter. Her last goal was to make it that Harry had an even longer sentence. She hoped that if she did fail then her cause would become more known and maybe, someone would listen and have the bright idea to give Harry veritaserum.

The ministry of Magic had changed since the era of Fudge and Umbridge. It seemed better, but Luna was not one to ever give her faith blindly to a government, no matter how perfect it could seem.

It was time to go free Harry. Was this foolish and absolutely fucking crazy? Maybe.

Luna hoped with everything she had that it would work.

Luna hoped with everything she had that it would work

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Credits : IrenHorrors

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