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minho stepped into his beloved home with his child in arms while jisung carried all the bags inside. "it's just like when i left" he took in the fresh cinnamon aroma that filled the house.

"yeah, it's usually a lot messier but dada was going crazy and cleaning like crazy all morning because you were coming home today." minkyu whispered in his fathers ear.

"he's always been one to wait till the last minute to get things done." minho laughed.

once they were all inside, Minho took the small boy and set him down on the large couch that rested in their living room. "i'll be right back bub, i'm going to unpack with dada." he bent down pressing a short peck on minkyus forehead.

minho then grabbed some luggage out from his husbands hands and they both headed up the long flight of stairs, down the long halls, and into the long awaited destination of his bedroom he missed so very much.

you'd think once he dropped everything he'd slam jisung up against the wall to do some freaky shit. but it was quite the opposite. once the bags hit the floor he turned around and both parents were displayed as worried, staring into one another's eyes.

"how long, jisung" he raised his voice slightly. not that minkyu would be able to hear anyways since the house was so large.

"since he was four-"

"two years? two whole fucking years?! do you realize what kind of hell that kid is probably going through right now?!"

these were just like the old times. i guess all that time in the hospital was no good if he was going to be struck with the worst possible news as soon as he got out. well, of course that was an exaggeration; minho was much better mentally and was now aware of how it wasn't okay to lay a finger on jisung. but the rage, the rage in his voice was still present.

"minho i tried to help him i really did. i tried everything. but his dream isn't going away like yours di-"

"because i had to fucking kill myself to get out of that damn dream!" his voice was fully raise as he approached jisung.

"then help him, minho. do whatever you can. you've been through it, what he has. so please help him i-i don't want him to go cr-"

"to go crazy like i did? yeah well i was in the dumbass dream for a week. he's been in it for two god damn years! he's probably already off his fuckinh rockers!" jisung flinched when minho yelled so close to his face this time. so much so he fell back, onto the floor, hitting his back off the wall.

minho stopped where he was and immediately snapped out if it. "ji-" he rushed down to jisung quickly apologizing.

no no no. you have to go back to the facility. you're not ready to be here no no n-

jisung could visibly see his husband was panicked and scared by his own actions. "minho calm down. i'm fine. i know you're not going to hit me. it's just-"

"i made you like his though...i know." minho helped jisung up who wasn't hurt at all, he just got a bit startled.

"don't think like that babe, really it's just been so quiet in this place since you left. i missed you." jisung hugged the older while minho calmed down.

"i missed you too." he shut his eyes and just fell silent at this loving comfort he kissed more than words can explain.

"we will figure it out together, just watch over him for the first couple of days and see if you notice any similar behaviors you experienced. i know it's not a lot, but it a place to start." jisung pulled out of the hug and placed a real kiss on minhos lips for the first time in five years.

they moved together so smoothly as if it hadn't been almost 2000 days since they last kissed.

minho placed his hands down on jisungs hips as the younger wrapped his around his husbands shoulders. "when he goes to school tomorrow, you owe me 5 years of sex in 8 hours. think you can do it?" jisung whispered against his lips.

"i guess some things never change?" minho chuckled softly before attaching his lips to jisungs once more.

after a few minutes they were hit with reality when minkyu started yelling for them down stairs.

minho pulled out of the semi-heated kiss and gave jisung a few butt taps. "alright, we'll i'm not sure how good i'll be at this parent thing so let's get down there and figure it out." henpecked the youngers lips one last time before heading out of the room to make way to minkyu

jisung stayed upstairs a few minutes to unpack minhos clothes, giving his boys some time to get to know each other.

minho set foot down stairs to see minkyu sitting in front of the television which was turned off.

"hey bub, wanna watch a movie?" minho asks taking a seat next to his son who immediately crawled onto his lap, clinging to him like a koala.

"hmm no. i wanna eat supper. dada always told me stories about how good of a chef you are."

"you wanna help me cook?" he asked minkyu, who nodded eagerly.

the two headed to the kitchen and minho sat the small boy on the marble counter top while he got out the ingredients to make the simple dinner of spaghetti and home baked bread.

minkyu didn't do any of the cooking, he was only there for moral support and to get to spend time with his father.

"so minkyu, what's dada like?" minho was curious to what jisung was like to their kid.

"hmmm" the small boy tapped his chin with his index finger as if it would help his thinking process. "dada is super special to me. he's always giving me love and attention and is really funny sometimes. but sometimes dada cries to sleep and he thinks i don't know but sometimes i do. i think dada really missed you and i hope he stops crying now that your home forever and ever!"

minho knew that jisung was sensitive. so of course he predicted he would cry at times when he missed him. "what about in your dream bubs, what is dada like there?"

"hmm dada's pretty much the same except he is mean sometimes. dada isn't mean in real life though."

"does he ever hurt you in your dream?" please say no please say no please say no.

"not me...but he's hurt other people. i watched him kill uncle jinnie."

shit. no this can't be good. "minkyu, am i in your dream?"

"in my dream, you are dead."

expect a chapter ever 1-2 days from now on!
maybe occasionally double updates :))

ima slut for writing cliffhangers sorry not sorry

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