Ch21- drunk goats and pirate sheep

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Techno helped Phil to the bunk he was going to sleep on and laid him down, since Phil had lost his wings it had been a struggle to walk or even stand now that he was lighter and didn't have large wings coming out of his back. Techno pulled out a potion of regeneration to try and get Phil strength up, he'd been giving them to the man every few hours hoping he'll regain his strength.
Technoblade isn't the best with emotions in fact the piglin hybrid can never seem to get them right, he's either cold and unbothered by everything or in an uncontrollable fit of anger often leading too the voices taking over and recently he'd been feeling way too much of the second option. The great hybrid fighter thought back too the few times he visited home and would teach Avis basic combat, he didn't want the girl ever to be defenceless like when they'd first found her again. Remembering the terrified look on her face when she saw Phil carry in a passed out Tommy with crumpled and broken wings knowing that if Phil hadn't saved her sooner that could've been her. Techno's heart broke the day Tommy wanted to fly like his adopted dad and his big sister even though his wings just lay limp on his back and had stopped growing after the incident that was also the day Technoblade decided never too trust humans again. Obviously a few exceptions happened with Wilbur and some other old friends but almost every human treated him and his family with the same disgust and hatred.

"Technoblade?" A tallish person asked walking into the sleeping room and disturbing him from his deep thoughts.
After looking the humanoid up and down suspiciously he replied "yes?"
"Uhh Wilbur wants to speak to you in his office." The person informed Techno as the hybrid sighed an walked out of the dorm leaving a sleeping Philza.

"Who the fuck are you!?!" A horned man shouted as he staggered outside of a small house that Avis had walked in front of
"Uh hi I don't think we've met yet, I'm Avis nice too meet you!" After a second of silence Avis continued "and you are....?"
"Non of your goddamn business. What the fuck are you doing here?" The man shouted so close now that Avis could smell the alcohol on his breath
"If it helps I'm not here by choice?" The girl tried to help her case now understanding the warning Ant had given.
"I don't give a fuck about wether your here cause you wanna be or not I wanna now what your doin on my land!" He shouted at Avis causing her too flinch and take a step backwards the man reminding her a little too much of Dream.
"I-I... I uhm-uh shit I-I" Avis stuttered taking another step back as the goat hybrid Stroud forwards
"Schlatt!" A voice shouted causing both Avis and Schlatt too turn their heads and face a beautiful sheep hybrid with long frizzy hair that was almost all white excluding a few strands that where multicoloured, she had a soft face but was staring Schlatt down in anger. Wearing a white dress shirt and black pants she reminded Avis of her brother a bit but instead of the red, fur jacket Techno wore this woman wore a black trench coat, adding to that the tri-pointed hat she wore you could've easily mistaken her for a pirate just arriving home from a long journey out at see.

"Schlatt leave the poor girl alone!" The woman shouted stepping in between the pair
"Puffy? The fuck are you doing 'ere I thought you were with them kids of yours?" Schlatt asked the woman taking another big gulp from his bottle
"And I thought you where stopping drinking?" Puffy retorted before turning to face Avis and speaking in a sweet voice "Hi I'm Captain Puffy but everyone just calls me Puffy, what's a human like you doing round here? Have you lost your village?"
"I-uh no I'm not a villager I'm a hybrid and I'm staying with Bad and Sk-Skeppy at the minute" I mutter out stumbling over my words
"Oh! Sorry my mistake I just couldn't see any of your features. Why don't we head back to the Skephalo household and we can talk if your who I think you are the I have a lot to explain." Puffy tells me softly placing a hand on my back and pushing me forward and away from the drunken mans house and towards Skeppy's mansion.

A pure black bird landed on a windowsill of the dorm where Philza was beginning to wake attached too it's foot was an important letter named for Technoblade so as soon as Phil awoke he brought it to two of his sons that sat in a meeting room discussing war strategies.

"What's it say?" Phil asked curious at the unfamiliar handwriting
"It's from Badboyhalo." Techno said as he began reading the letter "they've got her"
"What!" Wilbur shouted in happinesses going too grab the letter but was stopped when Techno moved it away from his reach.
"I said they've got her they've healed Avis and managed to escape I've even got their cords. Apparently they're staying in a permanent camp a few hours away with a few other hybrids and that we are welcome to visit Avis but she will be staying with them."

When I had Wings [A DreamSMP X OC AU]Where stories live. Discover now