First Page of Mia's Diary

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  Hello Diary, I'm Mia Rodriguez, I'm now in year 10 with my best friends Clare and Alli and leaving grade 9 behind me now and forever.

So a little bit about me I dance, sing, write, play piano, whatever prestigious thing you can think of I've done it.

  Why have I done this? Well, my parents do you say this? They're rich beyond compare but they're so strict, I guess it's because they don't want me to be like my 'mess up' of an older brother. But my brother is a total fun magnet, he makes living at home better. Unlike my parents who push away fun like as if it's the plague.

  But anyways this year is gonna get so much better for me. In more ways than one, such as my body it matured over the summer something that not only shocked me but everyone I know. And it gives me more confidence in my sex appeal, something I've never had before.

   The option to finally wear something other than a uniform, Thank God for that.

 I think the new changes will give me confidence in myself and after last year I'm never going back to that year. And I don't think I'll ever talk about it.

  Grade 10 is going to be my year...
~Mia Rodriguez

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