"FUCK!" Maya yelled. "For the love of God" Jazmine mumbled. "Bad word Mommy" Maya asked as she looked at her mother.

Jazmine gave a small smile and said "Yes it is honey, remember it's that one, the other word your auntie said, the b-word, and there's others, but you don't need to know that". Maya then shrugged, continuing to stuff her face with her  breakfast, making us laugh.

Everyone else said they slept great until I got asked by Betty how I slept. I shrugged and said "I got a letter before I left work yesterday. I opened it and some person said not to trust a company I might be working with. They said I should go to some place and give my response to some lady named Gloria. I had a bit of trouble falling asleep cause of that".

"Did it say who it was from" Fangs asked from the other side of the table. "Some person named Morgz" I said with confusion.

"We don't know any Morgz" Fangs stated. "It could be a nickname or something" Betty pointed out.

"And the only person to possibly have a nickname like that is....". Kevin looked at me and seconds later I understood what he meant. I shook my head quickly and said "Nope, I refuse to believe that it's her".

"Come on Cheryl, we all know her middle name is Morgan and she could turn that to Morgz". I gripped my fork and gritted my teeth. "What's the point of her reaching out just to tell me about some fucking company".

I saw Jazmine get up from the table, taking Maya with her. "This seems like the topic is getting serious and I don't want Maya listening in, so if you'll excuse us" she said with a small smile before leaving.

"Maybe it's not just the company, she may send you other messages, reaching out for help maybe" Veronica said. "Stop saying she, we don't know if it's a girl or boy even" I said, gripping my fork even tighter.

I felt Jason place his hand on top of mine.

"Cheryl I know you're angry at her for leaving just like that, but if this really is her, maybe she can explain herself. None of us know why she left like that either". "Whatever, I'll send them a letter back but what would I even say" I said with a sigh.

"Well do you even trust this company she warned you about" Archie asked. "No, not really, there was something suspicious about them" I responded.

"First, say thanks for the warning cause you had your suspicions. Next,  ask if you have met them before and if y'all will ever meet in person" Kevin started.

"Then wait for a response and after that, just keep in touch with them until you get all the info you need" Fangs finished. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair in partial frustration.

"Even if it is her, why would she reach out now after so long" I asked. "That's for you to find out for yourself Cheryl" Reggie said. I sighed again and we finished eating our breakfast in silence.

After eating, Fangs volunteered to wash the dishes and I tried telling him he didn't have to, but he insisted. While the others split up, I went back to my room to start writing a letter to this Morgz person.

"Hey Morgz, I already was a bit suspicious of the Hernandez company, so now I'll keep an extra look out for them. I have a few questions. First, have I ever met you in person? And if so, will we ever meet up in person again? Second, what exactly is wrong with the Hernandez company? They have lots of pros that suggest I can work with them, but I'd like to know the cons before I decline their offer. From, C.B".

Folding the letter, I searched for an envelope to put it inside of. After enclosing the envelope, I rested it inside my drawer so I could drop it off the next time I leave for work, since the address was located near there.

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