"Ok you can shut the hell up now Billy, I think she's got the idea." Ryan tells him. I laugh but silently wonder what he was gonna say. I was about to ask him when I got a message

Hey I'm hanging out with Azn today, can you drive me?

Sorry I'm hanging with Ryan and his crew at his shop

What happened to Chicks before dicks?


You know what I'm coming

That's what I thought, so you're hanging out with your boyfriend

Cayt I'm single

Ok fine, so your hanging out with the guy I think should be your boyfriend


Omfg Daryn how stupid are you, I mean Ryan


"Hey can I come with you?" Javier asks, making me look away from my phone. Just like Ryan, Javier is reading over my shoulder.

"Is it a team Fireball thing to forever be reading my messages over my shoulder?" I ask him and he just shrugs.

"Doesn't answer my question." He tells me.

"Sorry Javier, I can't." I tell him and he nods. I head out to Caytlin's place.

"I'm glad you didn't take too long to pick up your favorite person." She says as she opens the door.

"What, Zach Herron is here and you didn't tell me?" I ask just to mess with her.

"Bitch I mean me." She says as she gets in. We head over to Farmtruck and Azn's place and Caytlin is out of the truck the moment I put it in park. When I get out of the truck I see Azn being chased around by Suzie Lou, Caytlin laughing her ass off and some guy with a camera taking pictures.

"Suzie look Daryn's here." I hear Farmtruck say. The next thing I know Suzie Lou knocked me over and is sitting on me licking my face.

"Thanks for the warning Farm." I deadpan as I get up. When I get up I have to dodge a water balloon. When it hits the ground it busts and a bunch of blue paint splatters everywhere.

"Well I don't wanna become a human canvas so I'm gonna head out, someone else can drive Caytlin back." I say and Farmtruck nods. I began to head to my truck but then I feel a hand on my arm. I turn around and camera guy is standing there.

"It's Daryn right?" He asks me. All I do is nod.

"Can I please come with you, I don't want to know where this will go." He says gesturing to the paint balloon fight that's happening behind us. I'm about to say no but then Farmtruck comes over a puts a hand on camera guys shoulder.

"Don't worry Dar he's not gonna murder you, he's a good friend of ours he just happens to be somewhere else whenever you come over." He tells me and I nod.

"Oh cool well hi and uh yeah you can come." I tell him.

"Oh yeah by the way I'm Lou Renova." He says sticking his hand out.

"Daryn Shearer, Chiefs little sister." I say as I shake it. I dodge another paint balloon and head for my truck. We get in the truck and I look at him.

"So any exact place you need to be?" I ask him.

"No not really, I just want out of here." He tells me and I laugh.

"Well I'm heading back to B&R want me to ask Ryan if you can come?" I ask him.

"Sure." Is how he replies.

Hey uh so I just dropped off Caytlin and I saved Lou from the crazy, is it ok if he comes with me?

Oh yeah that's fine


"Yeah he said it's fine." I tell him as I put my phone down and start the truck.

"So what do you like to do?" I ask him.

"I'm a photographer, mostly do car shots but I have done other shots too." He tells me and I nod.

"How'd you get into photography?" I ask.

"Azn." He says simply.

"Why does that scare me?" I ask causing him to laugh.

"He threw me to the wolves and made me take photos instead of selling merch at the both once and he completely ignored me when I said I had no clue how to use my camera." He tells me.

"That's actually really cool, and most definitely sounds like something he would do!" I tell him laughing. He laughs too.

"Oh yeah." He says as we pull into the parking lot at the shop. I head in and I see them fighting with a motor.

"Hey need some help?" I ask coming over, Lou just barely actually coming into the shop.

"Please." I hear Ryan say. I head over and help them get it in the car. They finish getting it in and all ready and then Ryan looks at me.

"We're gonna go head out to test the car, are you and Javier good here for a bit?" He asks me.

"Yeah we should be fine." I tell him. The moment everyone leaves I look at Javier.

"Is there anything that we can have fun with here?" I ask him.

"I have some water balloons hidden so Ryan doesn't find them, they don't have any use as of right now." He says.

"Well we are gonna change that, go get them." I state and he heads off. He comes back not too long later with a package of water balloons.

"Is there anywhere to fill them?" I ask him.

"There's a garden hose outside in the back." He says and I follow him outside. We fill all the balloons then each take half. When he bends over to grab his balloons I throw one of mine at him. We eventually somehow ended up bringing our balloon fight inside the shop.

"Holy shit Javier you throw the balloons hard!" I squeal as he throws another balloon at me. I throw one at him and he goes to throw another at me but I dodged it. The moment I heard it splash Javier had a look of panic on his face. I turn around and Ryan is standing there, wet from the balloon that hit him.

"H-h-hey Ry." I say as I wave to him. Both me and Javier are now just standing in the middle of the shop, soaking wet.

"Please don't fire me." Javier says quickly

"You two aren't aloud alone together in the shop anymore." He says looking at us, trying so hard to hide a smile but failing so bad.

"I'm gonna head home now, see ya later Ry." I say as I head for the door. When I get home I walk in the door and Justin is staring at me trying not to laugh.

"Don't even." I tell him as I walk up the stairs to my room.

That's the end of this chapter. For those of you who may be wondering, yes Lou is a real person, yes he is a photographer for the 405 guys, and yes he actually was forced to take photos by Azn one time. So yeah I wanted to add him in. 

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