↺ 008 : pool boys & dying doggies

Start from the beginning

But that's the thing about college. Despite all the freedom, there was barely anything particularly drastic to do. Everything else could either get you in trouble, expelled, or arrested, and I was not looking to get the boot. No, not yet. Eventually, when I had cemented my legacy here, most preferably in this particular spot.

Piper would suggest an orgy.

Cold began to seep into my bones, so I rolled off my carry-on and slowly got to my feet, movements groggy. Everything about me spelled out exhaustion, and I couldn't tell why. I'd slacked off way more in recent times, so it didn't add up. The most strenuous thing I'd done within the past week was visit Sweet Cube with Talia.

Using my cellphone for light, I found a light switch and flipped it on. A single light came to life, illuminating the space so much that I had to briefly shield my eyes, followed by rapid blinking as I slowly adjusted to the burst of light.

What did I know so far? I was here, I was tired, and I wanted ... something. I didn't know what.

I thought this would be enough to make me feel like myself again, but all it did was make me even more homesick. I dragged myself over to the pool's edge, sat down with my legs plunged into the cold water, my phone resting in my lap, nothing more than a single movement away from falling into the water.

The screen lit up with a notification.

DO: Hi. Are you awake?

I closed it and set it aside, then shimmied out of my jacket, leaving my upper body mostly exposed. The maroon coloured bikini halter top I wore was probably not my best choice-nothing about tonight could be considered my best choice-but it was what I'd chosen, because I felt the need to feel pretty and maybe suffer a little bit.

Next I kicked out of my shorts. I needed something dry to wear after my therapeutic swim, and on any other night, I would have packed another pair of dry clothes. But tonight I'd been in such a hurry to get out of the dorm that I'd accidentally carried my bookbag, one that contained actual books and not my laptop, or something equally as unhelpful.

On second thought, maybe the universe wanted me to use this time to study. Too bad I wasn't on board with that.

If I thought the air was cold, then the water was fucking freezing. "What the hell was I thinking?" I muttered as I dove deeper into the water. It was amazing. The feeling of cool, crisp water against my skin was everything I needed. Nothing could top this. Nothing...

I shut my eyes and let my thoughts drift off. I was floating, just laying there motionless on the surface of a pool that smelled strongly of chlorine, and thinking about how closed off I'd become, and how it wasn't my fault. I shouldn't blame myself for it, since it had nothing to do with me, but who was there to blame? I was the one who ruined my relationship with August. I was the one who almost made an enemy out of CJ when we first met. I was the one who silently judged and shamed Piper for being ... Piper, for two good weeks. I was the one who wrote Carter off until he proved he wasn't who I'd stereotyped him as. I was the one who thought Talia was too good for me, which was a very stupid thought. I was the one who shut Colin off, despite initiating our first ever conversation myself and asking him out for an early dinner I couldn't even afford...

Christ, what was the matter with me?

My phone let out a series of vibrations. I listened to the sound, doing a mental count to see how long it would take before another message dropped.

I heard the sound of a door creaking. Footsteps followed, as did grunting. I almost glanced up, but I decided it wasn't worth it. Whoever it was, be it the Dean, the Vice Chancellor, or even the fucking Calvary, would have to out up with my presence and hopefully let me get away with trespassing.

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