Chapter 30: The Dreaded Day.

Start from the beginning

Now that it war right before me, that blue dot had become extremely large.

Contained within a cage of a blue, crystal-like material, was a purple dragon.


The large purple dragon suddenly spoke as if It knew I was there without turning around. It's raised head pointed to the ceiling of the cage; its eyes closed.


The dragon grabbed one of the bars that made up the cage and said with a solemn tone.

"...It is all an illusion."

And when the dragon squeezed its hand, the bar broke into millions of tiny shards under the strength of the purple dragon. The dragon spread its wings with such speed and strength that the shockwave threatened to knock me down, breaking the cage into trillions of pieces.

The dragon raised the hand that broke the cage up to its face.

"Gravity." The dragon said with a deep inhale of air, "The very pinnacle of draconic magic and birthright. A magic that rivals that of the Gods themselves."

The dragon turned its head towards me with a smile, speaking with a soft voice,

"Hello, little one. I trust that you are the one that I called here?"

My mind went blank. What does he mean? If anything, all the evidence of what is going on should lead to this person being the man behind the messages, Sans, but his voice is clearly different. If Sans' was like an excited adult man's voice, then this guy's voice was like a gentle old man's.

"I don't understand what you mean," I said to the strange dragon, "I was called here?"

"Yes." He spoke softly in an understanding voice, "It seems that you do not understand what is going on, so I will explain."

The dragon coughed to clear his throat as if he was about to give a long speech.

"I am what is known as the First." He spoke, pointing at himself. He raised his right arm and created a black orb that looked similar to a black hole. "And I am the first and only dragon to have the power of Gravity Manipulation."

He made the black hole disappear.

"Due to my power rivalling that of the Gods of this world despite my origins of being a mortal, I was imprisoned here in this white void inside of that cage you saw me break earlier. A bubble within a bubble.

The cage sapped me of my strength and power using the God Metal, Blue Orichalcum, to the point where I could barely even stand or move. But,"

The dragon pointed at me,

"You on the other hand were let loose from the direct control of the Gods themselves for just a moment. I used that moment to bring you here. This was around 2 and a half years ago, and my sapped strength drastically increased the summoning time.

This world can only handle one person at a time, so when I brought you here, the basic principles of this world were broken, allowing for the power of the Blue Orichalcum to go haywire and lose its effectiveness."

Wait, if this world can only handle one person at a time, then what will happen now? 2 and a half years ago? When I got reincarnated?

"Have you ever wondered why some of your scales were purple, little one?"

Huh? Why did he suddenly change the topic?

"It is because you have the power of Gravity Magic too. A dragon's mana comes from the colors of their scales. Though I am unsure if you have met them, Death Dragons wield the power of the Darkness attribute and showcase black scales. Fire Dragons, red scales, Earth dragons, brown scales, and so on. So why is it that you have white and purple scales? It is because... A certain someone tampered here or there."

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