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~George's POV~ 

My mother and I moved to Florida just yesterday and I'm already starting school, which isn't the best thing saying the huge time difference 

I also haven't talked much to Dream about Florida, I was kind of hoping I might met him today, like in real life. 

I mean I could always make friends at the school, let's just hope there are nice people here 

The schools seem a bit different from back in London, for one: we don't have to wear uniforms, which I'm not complaining about and two: the people seem different (A/N I'm from Florida but am homeschooled, so I have no clue what either schools are like :D) 

I just wore something easy, but not something that made me look like trash. I was wearing classic blue jeans and a light blue hoodie that had a red and gray box in the middle of it, it was my all time favorite hoodie. I'm colorblind and blue is really the only color I see just fine 

I didn't have a backpack because I haven't gotten my books yet, speaking about that. I should  find the principals office for my stuff, my mother had contacted the school and told them our situation and they said that had books for me, instead of us having to deal with it.

I just walked to the front door and could already tell the whole school was separated by groups of certain types of people, I saw some people with musical instruments, then some with stake boards and lots of black clothes, then there was the group of white girls, which made me slightly gag in my mouth. I was looking at the group when suddenly I ran into something and fell straight to my butt on the ground 

"I-I'm so so sorry" I say as quickly as possible as I stand up and gather myself again 

"Watch where your going, shorty" the hot tall muscular dirty blonde guy said in a deep voice that almost sounded familiar 

"It wasn't all my fault you know" I say with a strong British accent, he looks at me with a shocked face, which was filled with freckles and a few scars 

"You don't know who you are messing with, new kid" he said with a little huff, and a little of anger 

"Your right I don't, but you seem to be someone I don't need to worry about" I say with a little smirk on my face, I'm was enjoying this a little to much. Back in London I was famous for standing up to the bullies, it was mainly my sassiness but I was still cool 

"You might want to watch you month there you little-" the tall blonde was rudely interrupted by an older man, who I just assumed was the principal 

"What's going on here?!" He said with slight anger 

The tall blonde just seemed to roll his eyes and crossed his arms and tilted his head the other way 

"I just ran into this guy here, which I didn't mean too" I say the second part a bit quieter, but I could tell by the blondes face that he heard it 

The principal looked to just about to say something but the bell had stopped him, he yells at all the people in the hallway to get to class, well everyone but me and the blonde 

"Now, Clay I want you to take George around the school, here are passes so you won't get in trouble for it" the principal said while handing us both a yellow paper

'Hmm, his name is Clay, that's kind of hot-' 

"Are you coming or not?!" Clay asked me with annoyances as I shook my head of those trouble thoughts, I jogged over to Clay as he started to show me around the school, which just in our luck, was absolutely huge 


Hehe :) 

Sorry this one is a bit shorter, I figured I would need to post at least another chapter with the first one so-

Word count: 648 

 if you ever have an chapter or ideas you wanna see happen, just tell me! But don't feel pressured like you have to give one though! :D

Make sure to grab some food and water! 

I love and care about you, hope you have a fantastic day/night!<3

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