Dream sighs, repeating his routine for what must be the tenth time today.

"Dude, you're insane," Sapnap, Dream's best friend and partner skater, speaks up from outside the rink.

"When did you get here?" Dream asks, skating over to him and wiping the cold sweat off of his face. He catches his breath and takes a drink of the water bottle on the ledge next to Sapnap.

"Long enough to see that you're practically killing yourself over this routine," Sapnap says, to which the blonde only shrugs to. "Nationals is in two days, you need to rest."

"No, I need to perfect this routine," Dream says matter-of-factly, recounting all of the steps in his head.

"If you keep drilling this into your head, you'll work yourself until you can't move anymore!" Sapnap complains. "Come on, let's go out. We're celebrating your win."

"I haven't won though," Dream says, catching his breath finally.

"Not yet you haven't," Sapnap says with a smug grin. "You have the competition beat, even me. Come on, let's go out to the bar. I'll invite Karl and Alex!"

"No, not those two," Dream complains, though they're all four close friends so Sapnap obviously knows this is a joke.

"Come on, let's go. I'm not letting you touch your skates until the competition," Sapnap says, helping his friend off of the ice. Dream rolls his eyes and walks off, immediately grabbing his bag. He changes into normal shoes and lathers on some more deodorant, not bothering to change his clothes.

Sapnap leads his complaining best friend to the bar—where Karl and Alex are conveniently waiting for them already—and the blonde immediately feels left out. It's obvious the three of them have a connection, and Dream almost senses sexual tension between Karl and Sapnap. He sighs and places his head on his hand, leaning his elbow on the bar as his friends chat their ears off.

It's not until a voice speaks up that Dream realizes he's zoned out.

"Hey? Are you alright?" Somebody asks, the person having moved to the seat next to him.

"Yeah, just zoned out," Dream says, looking around. He notices Sapnap, Alex, and Karl are gone and immediately curses under his breath.

"Friends leave you?" The man chuckles, and Dream nods. He extends his hand, which the blonde reluctantly takes. "I'm Wilbur Soot, and if I'm being completely honest with you, I already know who you are."

"That's not creepy at all," Dream says, eyes now wide in confusion. The man chuckles, and it's the most British sounding laugh he's ever heard.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, that is pretty creepy," Wilbur says, thinking to himself. "I meant to say that I know you from your competitions. In figure skating, of course."

"You watch?" Dream asks, his interest suddenly piqued.

Wilbur nods with a self satisfied smile. "Yep, I'm actually attending nationals. I used to skate with my friend, but I gave it up."

"Why did you give it up?" Dream asks, suddenly finding himself interested in Wilbur's story. Dream's always been good at chatting with strangers, he thinks.

"The passion wasn't there anymore. After seeing my friend quit, I couldn't bother trying anymore," Wilbur shrugs. "Speaking of, it seems that I've been stood up."

"What do you mean?" Dream asks, feeling dumb as if he needs the man to spell it out for him.

"I was here to meet a friend, but he's clearly not showing. He probably got lost on the way here, or maybe he's just being a little bitch again," Wilbur says, whispering the last part. He looks up to Dream with semi-wide eyes and an aloof smile. "My apologies, I don't mean to sound so informal."

Winter Wind // dreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now