the hurt

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[Yoongi pov]
We were driving back to our dorm since it was evening. And well seokjin was mad. I could tell it because he held the steering wheel so hard his knuckles went white. He was also speeding a lot. It was rare to see him get this mad. Sure he used to get mad over small things, but oh boy you really don't wanna go on his bad side. And he was on his bad side.

"Umm, maybe slow down a bit hyung?" I said in a small voice. "I am driving slow yoongi." He said calmly. "But the speed limit is 60 and you are driving at 90." I said. He took a deep breath and the car slowed down a bit. "I am so sorry" he said. "Dont be. It is fine." I said. "Well yoongi, I think I might have to go this week back to my world." I heard him say. "I know your brother said." I said. We sat quietly for a few minutes. "I really don't want to leave now." I heard him say. "Hey, listen, you go back only for a few days. Then you return for our comback! Don't worry I will find that man or women! And I don't really know who Vanessa is but, I for sure know that she will get her lesson! Dont worry hyung! I will find him in just a day!" I said. He looked at me and smiled.

[Namjoon pov]
It is already 9pm and still they arent back. I am quite worried what could be so private which takes such a long time? I signed for the thousandth time. "They arent back yet?" Jimin asked. "No not yet." I say. "Ohhh ok.... but I think you should come and eat. Already we are finished. Maybe they are stuck somewhere." He said. "No jimin I am fine. You must go and sleep you had a long day." I said. He nodded and turned around. He looked back towards me and then walked back to his room.

I kept sitting there and then hobi too came. "They arent back yet are they?" He asked. I shook my head. He sat beside me and started to surfe around the tv channels. Thats when we heard the rattling of the key and the fumbling of the door lock. Soon it opened and revealed an anxious yoongi, and a pissed of jin.
You can just look at jin's face and tell wether he is mad, sad or happy. And now he was that kinda mad that it would be better that we did not speak anything to him unless until he is a little bit more calm than now.

Yoongi came in after changing and sat beside with his food plate. "Hi" he said. "Hi" hope said looking at the movie he was watching. "The food is good." Yoongi said. "I ordered it from a place I like" hope said. We sat there for few minutes and first time in 10 years of our knowing this silence was the uncomfortable silence which none of us wanted.

"Well, where were you guys the whole day?" I said. "At Jin's place." Yoongi said. "Why though?" I asked. "I...I can't say it to you. It is better that seokjin tells you himself rather than me." I was mad now. "What do you mean hyung? For the past few days everything is on frenzy and now even you won't tell the truth! I mean come on what is it between you two? Why are you two acting so weired!does it involve us? Or the work? Or is something wrong? Don't both of you consider us as your family? Why are you people keeping secrets with us all of a sudden!"

I didn't realized that everyone was up. From the makeneas to even Jin who stood there with his arms crossed and eyes closed as if pondering. I signed and sat down. There was silence for the next 5 minutes and as if a movie it started to rain. Rain pretty heavily. The pattering of the raindrops hitting the roof and the balcony was the only sound heard. The dialouges in the movie were heard crystal clear with the volum as low as 5.

"I dont think will be able to participate in with you guys for the next album" Jin hyung said. We all looked at him. "What do you mean?" Jimin said, " know. There are somethings which must be cleared out. And I think I need time." He said. "Hyung...are you ok?" Hoseok asked. "Hobi...don't worry about me. Am fine, I just need some time off do not worry about me. I have some things under  my hands which are fucked up and need to be settled down." Jin said. "Can we atleast help?" Taehyung asked, "taehyung afraid i can not let you in this. I can not let anyone of you in this. Trust me, I will be just fine" seokjin said.

"You arent hiding something right?" I asked. He looked up at me, worry clear on his face. He nodded his head in a no. And smiled, I smiled back. He won't let me help him.

(Seokjin pov)

I sat on my bed meddling with the loose string of the covers, I can not belive the friend I knew the girl I knew, the... ...the lover I knew betrayed me. Betrayed us. Betrayed her own kind. Why? What made her so this? She was never like this. She never will she never was. The Vanessa I know is someone I love. The whole universe loves.

"Dont worry." I look up. Yoongi looked at me, "I dont know who this traitor is. But, I am sure we will put the situation under control before it gets worse that it seems. Trust me" yoongi said. "Yoongi sorry, I acted up bad didn't I?" I said, I did acted bad, yoongi shook his head in no. "I would have too if I were you, don't worry. Trust me we will do it together." Yoongi said. Somehow it was all I needed at that moment

An:-sorry for leaving this story on a hang for so long. I know it was stupid. But I really didn't had it in my mind what to write next, i now planned out a plot which will help me update this book more frequently. To all the readers thankyou for waiting.💜

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