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"I agree" Grayson spoke out with Eli following with a "me too" seconds later. Smiling in satisfaction Luke hands them all the information that he currently has about Zoe and waits for a few minutes while they read it. " Do either of you have any questions?" Luke asks with a small smile still hanging on his face. "Not currently boss." They both reply. " Okay then come to me if you need me for something or want to ask me something later on. Eli you can get on with the work you currently have and Grayson you can tell me what my schedule is for today." Straightening up they reply with a "yes boss" and get on with the takes assigned to them.

After Eli walked out of the office shutting the door behind her Grayson starts to tell him his schedule for today. "At 10am there is a meeting with CEO Chris about a new project. At 11am there is a staff meeting. Then at 1pm you have a meeting scheduled with CEO Alexander. At 3pm ....... at 4:30pm ........ That is all for today sir." Feeling his brain buzz with excitement he nodded and dismissed him.

Sitting down at his desk Luke decided to look through the information needed for his meeting with Chris the CEO of Carson Ink. Taking a sip of his Coffee Luke starts to get busy.

Losing track of time Luke only looks up when he hears a knock on his door. Looking at the time he knew that it was time for the meeting to start so he gathered the documents he needed and walked towards the door. Opening the door he saw Grayson stood to the side waiting for him patiently nodding towards him to acknowledge him he walked passed him. Following him Grayson mentioned that the CEO and his secretary are in meeting room two.

Reaching the meeting room Luke wasn't surprised to see the female lead walking out of the meeting room with a red face. He knew that she would take all the chances she could to climb up along with completing her mission. Walking into the room with a pleased expression Luke again wasn't surprised to see Chris's face looking as black as the bottom as a pot. He knew Chris's character after all flirty and friendly to the people he knew giving a people a good impression of him but he was as cold as can be to everyone else.

Guessing that the female lead just got embarrassed by Chris's sharp comments he walked in with a big smile while saying "sorry about that you know how spy's are trying to take advantage everywhere." Putting away his blackened face Chris also smiled and said "I know about that however I think you should get rid of that one as quick as you can. She seems like a character with a lot of tricks up her sleeve." Smile still stuck to his face Luke replied "Tell me about it she only joined today but she is already starting to try some little tricks. Anyway let's get on with the main topic of this meeting." Agreeing with his words Chris starts to talk about what he was really here for.

After the meeting finished Luke started walking with Chris towards the door while asking "How's Noah doing?" Letting out a deep sigh Chris shakes his head saying "I honestly don't know what to do with that kid anymore." Hearing that answers Luke couldn't help but pause and hesitate before asking "His still like before?" Letting out another sight Chris shakes his head before saying "Yes he is still in love with you." Not knowing what else to say Luke let's the topic drop and changes it by saying "well let's go out for a meal sometime with the others. It's been a while since we have all met up." Letting the topic be changed Chris agree and said he would try to arrange it with the others.

Reaching the elevator they bid each other good bye and go there own ways.

*************************************************Hey guys I decided to update an extra long chapter today since it's my birthday                                        ( *^^)o∀*∀o(^^* )

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Hey guys I decided to update an extra long chapter today since it's my birthday                                        ( *^^)o∀*∀o(^^* )

Anyway I hope that you enjoyed the chapter I will see you guys again next time ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑ෆ⃛

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