Nagisa x karma

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Author Note:

Alright, so this chapter took the longest to write, not because the story is long but because my friend used his and some of our other friends names in it. So I had to change them. We now have the names of random anime characters that aren't in assassination Classroom.
The names I gave us are the names of our favourite anime characters (two of them I just guessed but oh well)

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy.

Author Icy Hot signing out.


"And that is why (x-1) (x-2) (x-3) (x-4) divided by 4 is x" Nagisa finished the lesson. Dismissing the class, Nagisa turned around, his back to the classroom. A knife sprouted in the space on the board above his head. Nagisa whirled around. There, was all of his generations class E.


Nagisa was sitting opposite Kayde, next to Karma. "So, has anyone come close to killing you yet?" All the others had left, leaving them to chat in the cafe over croissants and tea.
"Only a joint attempt. Ochako Uraraka was talking to me about the maths, asking for help, Momo Yaoyorozu came in front and tried a dagger. I twisted around, and found Tokoyami Fumikage and Himiko Toga, both with katanas, they slashed, and they'd obviously been practicing. I dodged, and they sat down and did their work, after a bit of prompting. I think Himiko and Tokoyami would be good Class E teachers after me! "
"Sounds it. " Karma agreed.
"Hey, weren't you meant to be running our business in London? " Nagisa asked.
"Yeah, I'm staying at a hotel for a while, wanna come round for a bit? "


"Looks nice" Nagisa remarks.
"So do you" Kayde had left after the cafe. Nagisa gasped as Karma leaned over and kisses him. Nagisa started to kiss back. They lay down on Karma's bad still kissing. Karma stretched his arm, stroking the inside of Nagisa's thigh.

3 years later

"Nagisa, " Karma asked, on one knee, "Will you marry me?"
"Yes." Nagisa agreed. Karma slipped on the ring. Pulling Nagisa's hand up, he kissed it. He began to slowly spin Nagisa around. They began to dance.


"I pronounce you husband and... husband!" Kayde finished. Karma and Nagisa kissed. Karma went over to the table. "Now, who wants cake?"
Karma began to cut the first slice. It caught on something, that Karma couldn't cut. He reached in and pulled it out. It was a phone, on record. It wasn't recording and there was one record saved. Karma presses play. "Guess who's back... " Koro sensei's voice echoed as the phone dissolved, then hardened into his tentacle. "What?" Kayde asked, her voice empty.
"He's back... " Echoed Nagisa.

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