Chapter 7

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Carmen POV :

It's been two weeks and I've been giving the guys the silent treatment, especially Stefano .

I go inside the house after a long day of running errands, I've also been secretly looking for jobs so I can enroll myself in school . To hell with what Angelo and Stefano say, this is my life rather I'm the mafias property or not .

"Hey care bear ".

"Hm". I say dryly I know I shouldn't take my anger out on Angelo because I have no reason to be angry with him but it's the fact that he agrees with Stefano , even though he knew stef before me deep down he knows I'm right .

"Still being moody huh ?".

"Yup". I say putting my bags down .

"Cmon Carmen you can't be mad forever !". He says whining desperately. Who can't ?!

"Says whom ?". I reply with raising one eyebrow


"Me!". He was cut off by Satan , A.K.A Stefan .

"Please Stefano my own father couldn't control me , what makes you think you can ".

"Simple , I'm not your father ". Ouuu I hate him !.

"Ugh! I hate you ! I hate you ! I hate you!  I HATE THIS LIFE I HATE EVERYTHING I HATE THIS FAKE ASS BULLSHIT ASS CRAP ASS SHIT YALL CALL A MARRIAGE I JUST I JUST I just -.. I just wanna be alone ".

I say having a nervous breakdown . I didn't even mean to go on a rampage like that I'm just fed up . Fed up with everything.

"That's how you feel ?". Uh oh did I hurt the big bad wolf feelings ?!!

"Been feeling ". I replied smartly .

"Oh okay so be it ".

"You can get your shit and leave then ! How about that Carmen ! ". He says getting my bags and throwing them my way .

"Gladly ". He grabs his keys and we leave out with Angelo following behind .

We started driving for like a good 25-30
Minutes before I spoke up .

"Where are you taking me ?".

"where I take all my women ". He says with a snickering grin . So creepy .

"No stef you're not taking her there ".

I guess Angelo knew what he meant by that statement, it wasn't too long before I figured it out too when we pulled up to 'pink palace ' it's a club / brothel that are owned by mafias or cartels . They kidnap women , drug them , bring them here and make money off of them . Sometimes women are brought here by their own boyfriends , unfortunately for me I've been brought here by my "husband ".

"Are you serious ?". I asks while my voice is quivering and breaking .

"Since you hate it at my place soo much let's see if you like it here , out". He replied chuckling evilly .

"Stef-." Lo was about to say something but was cut off by Stefan's yelling "OUT!". I get out the car and Stefan grab my hand and basically drags me in there .

He walks over to these 3 men all wearing black suits . All are handsome- no Carmen what are you even saying ?! Stefan then walks over to me .

"You see those guys over there ".

"I have eyes don't I? Of course I can ". I remarked in a duh tone .

"If you do anything stupid they won't hesitate, now they're going to take you to that lil cozy building across the street and check you into that motel enjoy your night".

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