Chapter 4

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Carmen POV :

I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings I looked down and I had a empty bottle of liquor in my hand , and a book in the other . I noticed I had something fuzzy and grey around me. It was a quilt .

That's when I realized I got drunk and went to bed on the patio last night . I gets up and stretch and go back in the house and Marianna was sitting at the table watching the news . I hate the news it makes me paranoid.

"I made some coffee and banana toast if you'll like some ".

"Alright thanks ".

"Mhm". She started tapping on the table like she's nervous .

"Are you ok?".

"I'm fine just antsy ".

"Maybe it's the coffee ".

"Yeah maybe". As I'm fixing me some coffee we heard a bang on the door which made me jump .

"I'll go get it ".

"Ok". Marianna got the door and I wiped the stains out the chair .

"Carmen it's your mother !". Huh? .I rushed into the living room and seen my mom standing there looking like she just got attacked by a pack of wolves.

"Oh my gosh mom! Are you ok? What happened?".

"A long night at the bar ". She responded giggling she must be hungover or drunk or a little bit of both .

"Ah mom , here sit on the couch ". I go
In the cooler and grabbed her some water .

"Here drink this it'll help you feel better ".

"Thanks Carmen ". She says her voice breaking, eyes red , and cheeks puffy it looks like she's been crying all night .

"What's wrong ma ?".

"I don't want to talk about it right now ".

"Well can you at least tell me how you got here ".

"I walked ".


"Yeah turns out the bar 15 is minutes away from here".

"Wow , we need to get you cleaned up".

"I agree where's your shower ?".

"Upstairs to your right in the first hallway".

"Thanks". She says getting up handing me the bottle of water .

"You think your mom is going to be ok ?".

"I don't know last time I saw her like this she found out my dad cheated on her with a escort".

"Damn ".

"Yeah ". I replied as her phone rings .

"It's Stefano".

"Ok". I said nonchalantly. She walked off . It sounded like she was cussing him out but I wouldn't know she wasn't speaking in English. She came back in and she looked irritated.

"You good Marianna? ".

"I'm fine I just have to go do something I'll be back tonight ".

"Ok". She left out . I heard a loud bang so I ran upstairs to check on mom .

"Mom !". I say knocking on the door .

"I'm ok ! I just fell".

"Ok I'm going to be down the hall just let me know if you need anything".

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