part 21

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Debu told Vivan everything. Vivan was surprised. Sometimes, he doubted that debu liked ananya but he wasn't sure about that. Now, He was 110% sure!!

Vivan: wow bhaiya! superb! But when did this start?

He asked in a teasing tone. Debu blushed very hard.

D: a-ac... Actually Vivan, I started liking her since when we first meet.

V: ohoh... love in first meeting~

He teased him in a singing voice.

Wow guys!

Today, Vivan is in full teasing mood 😘😘🤣🤣🤣🤣

All the best Debu...........For saving your life😁.

To be continued.....

D: silence Vivan!

V: so-sorry teacher.

D: what?

V: i-i mean bhaiya.

D: ok now stop teasing and help me.

V: hmm.. bro I think you  should tell her.

D: but...

V: no buts.

D: but vivan what if..

V: bhaiya everything will be fine. Just go and tell her. Simple.

D: but vivan it's not that easy as you think.

V: bhaiya go

D: no

V: Go

D: No


D: ........b-

V: wait wait wait.. Before you say 'but' I will like to say that please stop your buts and ifs train.

D: what if-


D: No no no!! I am going! I am going!!!

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