part 14

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When he came back, she was sitting on her bed like before but something was different, was that she was smiling.

D: yes?

A: I want to say that you can call me Anu.

D: Really?! Thank u so much Anu.

She laughed.


A: bye.

He finally went from there. After that day, ananya started coming out from her room. But one night, another nightmare.
She woke up sweating and gasping for sir. She didn't know what to do. So, she decided to call debu. After sometimes, he came there. But she didn't know that that boy who came was not debu, he was ray in debu's cover. Timnasa sent him. All that nightmares were nothing but her magic.

Anyway, ray (as debu) came there and sat beside her. Ananya told him everything but instead of calming her, he just said her....

R: so, there is no problem ananya. What was that dream saying was true. You don't deserve this. You don't deserve anything. You better die. Because if you will die then everyone will be happy even your mom. No one care about you. Even, in the last and final battle, when we killed Timnasa I used you. You are a monster and always be.

Her eyes became blurry. Tears were filled in her eyes.

A: d-debu.. w-what are you saying t-this?...Why?

D: hahaha...My dear Ananya, what I am saying is true 100% true. You should die. Monster.

With that he went from there leaving Ananya alone in her room crying and sobbing. Suddenly, she stopped crying and went towards her drawer and took a sharp blade. She took a deep breath and placed that blade on her wrist. She remembered that one word 'Monster' and made a deep cut.

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