part 11

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3 days had passed since nino's dead. Debu and vivan were worried about Ananya. After his dead, she neither talk to anyone nor come out from her room. She came out only for eating or if she had stuffs to do. She didn't even smiles her magical smile. Her eyes were dull. Sparking and shinning had gone form her beautiful brown eyes. She just wanted to think about what had timnasa said.

You are nothing.
.Shouldn't have trust you.
It's all your fault.

◆◆ -:At debu's home:-◆◆

Vivan entered their room and found debu sitting on his bed in deep thoughts. He went there but debu didn't notice him.

V: bhaiya?

Vivan's voice snapped Debu out of his thoughts.

D: yeah.. Vivan. Do you need something?

V: no bhaiya, what were you thinking about?

D: about Ananya.

V: yes bhaiya, After her friend's dead, Ananya didi has changed a lot. She barely come out of her room. Neither talk nor sleep. As someone stole her sleep.

D: not only this Vivan, but also she never smiles, her skin became pale and her eyes beautiful stars like brown eyes became dull. Her glow of skin, sparking of her eyes and shinning of her lips has gone.

Vivan had wide eyes.

V: whoa partner, what was that about?

He asked in a teasing manner. Debu blushed.

D: n-nothing.

V: are you sure? Because I don't think that it was nothing.

He said with a smirk.

D: shut up Vivan!

Vivan just laughed at his cuteness.

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