part 7

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They reached that hospital. As they reached, Ananya didn't even turn to look either Debu or Vidvan. She just ran inside that building. Devi and vivan were running behind her. Alya had sender her room number so, she just ran, not bothering to ask room and floor no.
Then she saw Alya sitting on one chair in front of surgery room. Her head was in her hands. She was crying. Her eyes were red, skin was pale. Ananya didn't see her BFF like that ever and she didn't even want to. She just wanted to see her happy and smiling like always and forever. She went and placed her one hand on her friend's shoulder.

A: alya?

She asked softly. Alya raised her head and saw her BFF with a worry face.

A: where is he?

Alya didn't say anything but she just looked at surgery room in front of them. Ananya understood. Alya tightly hugged her and cried on her shoulder. Ananya couldn't control her tears but she couldn't cry, she couldn't let them fall. She had to be strong for him, for Alya. She just rubbed circles on her back. Devi and Vivan also reached the site and were gasping for air. After sometimes, Alya finally calmed down. Ananya broke the hug and kissed her forehead.

A: Al, you go and get some rest. I will be there. Don't worry.

Alya: no. I will not leave.

A: alya please. For me.

Alya: okay.

She leaved. Ananya went towards operation room and saw doctors doing their work. Alya also sent her that nino was get caught in an accident.
She placed a hand on room's window.
Devi and Vivan also went towards her and looked at what she was looking. But they both heared some mumbling and looked at Ananya who was self talking.

A: come on. You can't do that to me to us, Nino. You remember that you promised that you will never leave. Never. Please nino. please. I know you can do it.

Debanya : Who To Blame?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن