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I'm standing next to a crashed car's window while the rain is pouring down my whole body making me wet. But I don't mind it at all.

In my vision is a bloody body of a woman inside the crashed car. I have wounds on my head and elbow but I don't feel pain, maybe that's because my whole being felt numb because of what happened and to what I'm seeing in front of me.

Suddenly I felt a hot liquid making its way towards my cheek, and that's when I realized I was crying, sobbing to be exact.

I walk toward the crashed car drivers set to see if my parents are still alive.

"Mom? Dad? Wake up, please wake up, don't leave me" I open the driver set door and touch my father, and there I saw a bullet wound on his left shoulder.

I remember the time when our car is just about to crash, my mother placed me in the shotgun set and cover me with her bod.

I saw blood on her back and lip but dispite of that she still hurriedly open the door and push me out, but after that I saw her in the window smiling at me while her lips move to say 'I love you' to me before closing her eyes, I didn't see Dad at that time, maybe because my mom's body is covering my sight to see him.

Crowds of people is starting to gather around us, I even saw some people talking to someone on their phones, and I bet some of them are calling the ambulance and police to check what happened to us.

I didn't mind them, I continue to think how can I get my parents out while my tears are still making its way out of my face.

Imagine how I look like? A ten year old kid is crying in the left side of her dad's unconscious body trying to wake him up and the rain is still heavily pouring.

I stop what I'm doing when something or 'Someone' caught my attention in the middle of the crowds. A man wearing a black hoodie, black cap, black sunglasses, a black pants and a black shoes? Seriously? There's no sun to wear sunglasses, and the way he's head is directly pointing, I bet he's looking at our direction.

When he see me looking at him he hurriedly walks back at the crowds, I just follow his silhouette with my eyes, and when I didn't see him anymore I dicide to turn around on my parents and keeps on waking them up.

The ambulance first came and take my parents and me with them, while I'm with them they clean my wounds, they didn't treat it because they said my wound on my head needs to be sew, and they don't have the materials.

When we arrived at the hospital i was still sobbing, but my tears already stop coming out of my eyes, my mom, dad and the doctors too are in the operating room they've been in there for almost two hours and not even one of them came out since then.

After an hour my uncle came and embrace me really tight, he is crying too and I can't help but to cry again, he hush me and Pat my back, we're in that situation for twenty minutes I guess.

My uncle name is Alexander Williams, he is the only sibling my father have that is alive and he's the second, my aunt Merilyn is the oldest of the three of them and she just died two years ago due to cancer stage 4, she doesn't have any child so before she die she already make her will, and on that will she stated that my father take the half of her properties and Business and uncle Alex takes the other half, uncle Alex is kind, he has 2 sons, he marry a filipina and they are in the Philippines Right now, my uncle get here after i called him before the doctor treat my wounds, good thing uncle Alex is just in the next country so he didn't take long to get here.

"Hush now darling, let's just pray that your parents will survive" he said in a soft tune comforting me.

I swift away my tears and look at him "uncle, will m-mom and d-ad survive this? I saw it with my own eyes uncle, m-mom and d-dad's breathing is weak when I was woking them up on the car" my voice brike down, can't even say mom and dad clearly.

"Let's just hope that they will be alright Elisse darling" after he said that we heard a door opening so I turn my back around the operating room to only see a doctor's sad face.

I walk towards him and said "doctor? How's my mom and dad?.

He smiled weakly at me and replied "I'm sorry dear, your parents didn't made it, they are bearly breathing when they arrive here," and turn around to leave.

The doctor was about to leave when he suddenly look back at me and said "I almost forgot, before we operate your mom, she said something, on their room you'll see a volt, open it and get the box and the envelope inside, open the envelope but don't open the box until you turn 18, she also said that you already know whats the password of the box" and then he left.

I was left dumbfounded when he left I didn't even notice my uncle swiping away my tears that continue to flow.

"Elisse darling? Hush now my child, do you want to go back with me to the Philippines after we bury your parents?" Uncle Alex said.

I nod and I suddenly remember what I saw on my father's shoulder and on the middle of the crowd earlier.

"Uncle, I saw a gunshot on my father's left shoulder and a man wearing all black on the crowd of people earlier, he even wore a sunglasses on the middle of a rainy day."

My uncle seem shock of what I said but after that he seems to be in panick before he replied to me.

"Elisse darling after we bury your parents remain, we will hurry to go back to the Philippines, you are not safe her anymore Elisse, I will explain all of it to you when you get older, but promise me you will not blame us for keeping it a secret to you, do you promise Elisse?" He let out his Pinky to make a Pinky swear.

"I don't really understand, but I promise."


Fb: Lucens Stellae

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