Chapter Sixteen

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The presentations started on the other end of the table, meaning we would be last. Yay!

Helgi called, "Lars Alhstrom!"

A heavyset blond boy stood up with his Valkyrie. He was so nervous he knocked over his goblet, spilling the contents on his crotch. All around the hall, people laughed.

Helgi smiled. "As many of you know, Captain Gunilla has been phasing in new equipment over the past few months. She's been fitting her Valkyries' armor with cameras to keep everyone accountable--and hopefully to keep us entertained!"

Samirah's cursing was drowned out by the einherjar's cheering and banging.

The manager raised his goblet. "I present you, Valkyrie Vision!"

A ring of holographic screens appeared in midair, around the tree trunk. The video was choppy, clearly taken from the shoulder of the Valkyrie. We were circling above the unfortunate catastrophe of a ferry sinking. Half the lifeboats dangled sideways from their cables. Passengers jumped into the dark sea, a few without life vests. The image sharpened as the Valkyrie swooped in closer.

Lars Alhstrom was scrambling to the door to the lounge, fire extinguisher in hand. The entrance was blocked by a large metal container, trapping a dozen people inside. Lars yelled at them to get away from the window. After they did, he smashed the fire extinguisher against the window. On the third attempt, it shattered. Despite the bitter temperature, Lars took off his coat and laid it across the jagged pieces of glass.

He waited until everyone was out and running to the lifeboats. Lars picked up the extinguisher and went to follow, but the ship lurched violently. Lars's head rammed into the wall and slid down, unmoving.

His body began to glow. The Valkyrie's arm appeared in the frame, reaching out. A shimmering golden apparition floated out from Lars's body--his soul. The apparition took Valkyrie's hand, and the video screens went dark.

All around the feast hall, einherjar cheered. At the head table, the thanes were debating if a fire extinguisher counted as a weapon.

Magnus leaned toward Samirah. "Why does it matter?"

She shredded her bread out of nervousness. "To get into Valhalla, a warrior must die in battle with a weapon in his or her hand. That's the only way."

Right, an act of bravery.

"So," Magnus whispered, "anyone could get into Valhalla if they just grabbed a sword and died?"

I scoffed. "Well, of course not. There's nothing heroic about suicide."

Samirah nodded. "She's right. The sacrifice, the bravery has to be unplanned--a genuine heroic response to a crisis. It has to come from the heart, without any thought of reward."

"So . . . what if the Thames decide that a newbie shouldn't have been picked? Does he go back to being alive?" He asked, trying not to sound too hopeful. I couldn't help but perk up at the question.

But then I thought of everything I have been through. Should I even go back? I didn't leave anything behind besides a handful of friends who don't need me. I mean Annabeth and Percy have each other, Nico has Will, and Chiron has a whole camp he can boss around.

I shook myself from my thoughts.

I noticed Samirah wouldn't meet our eyes. "Once you're an einherji, there's no going back. You might get the worse work assignments. You might have a hard time earning respect. But you stay in Valhalla. If the thanes rule the death unworthy . . . well, the Valkyrie takes the punishment for that."

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