"Also kind of a butt."

I burst out laughing. "How mature of you."

The blonde gave me a sheepish look. Aww...

I quickly looked down to hide my blush. Why does he have to be so adorable?

We sat at the end of the table next to Samirah, away from the other newly-deads. I tapped my nails on the table as I looked around. Valkyries were zipping around, distributing food and drink. Whenever a Valkyrie ran out of mead, she would swoop over the bubbling golden vat which was above a large fire, fill her pitcher, and continue serving. The main course came from a roasting pit at the other end of the room. Rotating on a hundred-foot-long spit was the dead body of a whale-sized animal.

A Valkyrie zoomed past, placing a platter of food and a goblet in front of me. Delicious smelling ribs marinated in barbecue sauce, smooth mashed potatoes on the side, and thick slices of bread. My mouth watered at the sight.

"What kind of animal am I eating?" Magnus asked.

Samirah wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "It's named Saehrimnir."

Excuse me?

"Okay, first of all, who names their dinner? I don't want to know my dinner's name. This potato--is this potato named Steve."

I quirked my eyebrow at him, amused. Samirah rolled her eyes, "No, stupid. That's Phil. The bread is Steve."

Magnus stared at her. I just pursed my lips to prevent my embarrassing giggle.

"Kidding," she said. "Saehrimnir is the magical beast of Valhalla. Every day they kill it and cook it for dinner. Every morning it's resurrected alive and well."

Poor Saehrimnir.

"That must suck for the animal. But is it like a cow or a pig or--"

"It's whatever you want it to be. My portion is beef. Different sections of the animal are chicken or pork. I don't do pork, but some of the guys here love it."

I looked at my dish. Huh, I must have been craving ribs.

"What if I'm a vegetarian? What if I want falafel?"

She froze, her heart rate increased. "Was that some sort of joke?"

"Why would it be a joke? I like falafel."

She relaxed her shoulders. "Well, if you want falafel, just ask for the left flank. That part is tofu and bean curd. They can spice it to taste like just about anything."

I raised my brow. "You have a magic animal whose left flank is made of tofu."

"This is Valhalla, a paradise for warriors in the service of Odin. Your food will taste perfect, whatever you choose."

My stomach grumbled, not wanting to wait anymore. I picked up my ribs and bit into the meat. Flavor exploded in my mouth. The meat was juicy and had the right amount of seasoning. It was reduced to only the bones in seconds.

I moved on to the bread which was like a warm cloud. When I got to the mashed potatoes, I wolfed them down.

After I was done, I looked over a Magnus. He was gulping down his drink like it was his lifeline. He finished in seconds.

"This stuff is good," he admitted. "You should try it, Cerise."

I was about to then a Valkyrie swooped in, refilled his cup, and flew away. I quickly set the goblet on the table, realizing it was the mead. I cringed, alcohol. "I'm good."

The Watcher ❪ Book 1❫Where stories live. Discover now