The cause of Emili's death...(Emili's POV)

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After what happened with my bro, I was in Spain, i mean pain- I could not believe the actions that Aiden did. He left me for a new kid that he doesn't even KNOW! He caressed his hand on his because the dumb fuck fell on a IMPLANT. God dammit...i could really go for a Reduced sugar Fruit punch flavor Capri-sun, I deserve it. After all the pain i went through.
I skipped 5 foot from the ground all the way to the fridge. Where my- scrumptiousdumptious Fruit Punch Capri-sun was, sitting there, waiting to be drunk with enjoyment. I grabbed with all force and squirt some in my eye socket. Real men don't feel pain. I started slurping that thing up like i just did the Marathon run without any stops. I drank like my throat was the whole entire Sahara Desert. After I gargled that thing up i felt tears of joy forming. The Capri-sun holds so much power i started praying. The Capri-sun is so good that i feel like i'm gonna slowly shit my pants. My toes curled up inside me and i felt like i was gonna obliviate in my own fridge. I took one more sip. And that sip... was the last sip i've ever taken...

Based on a true story... 

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