Dumbi thick...(Both POVS)

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Cody's POV:
I looked around the classroom and no one really catches my eye, except this- AUGHH hot, tall, muscular, dirty blonde, white man. "W-woah, who's that..?" I thought to myself. "He's the most biggest daddy i've ever seen..".

Aiden's POV:

"He's so kawaii and he will be perfect for my late Tuesday  karaoke night hosted at 1:28 AM in my bedroom." "Alright Cody, choose a seat please." Mr.WillieDillie said. Cody slowly examined every seat and started walking towards the seat in front of me. But then his breast implant fell and he slipped on it. His skirt was showing and that booty was dumbi thick, even though u could see the implants sticking out..but let's pretend that they're not there. "OH GNARLY CHEEZ-ITS MY BACK-!!" Cody howled across the room. Everyone gasped but no one helped him, so, i thought, me, i should be the superhero/lightning mcqueen of the day and save him...

Cody's POV:

"This is so humiliating..." I thought to myself. I started getting up and then, there he was, the privileged white man, was standing right there, holding a hand up to me. I felt like I was gonna pass out. "O-oh..." I turned red from the embarrassment and from how attractive this man is. "Thank y-you.." I grabbed onto his hand and he pulled me up. "OMG OMG I TOUCHED HIM- IM NEVER WASHING THIS HAND EVER AGAIN!!" I thought. "Be careful next time...cutie." Aiden said. My nose started bleeding from this, i couldn't handle it. "Y-yes thanks b-big dadd- i mean....".

The end...

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