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The months have passed and it is time for the first show. You open for Van Halen as per the rest of the tour. The first show was a success and when Dave gets backstage he's all sweaty and breathing heavy and spends time with the family. He seemed so happy that you were there and he has a baby and his girlfriend in his natural place. So you all travel all over the place having so much fun. You and Dave are in the jet and decide to smoke a little bit. After some dabs and joints you guys feel like your on another planet.

Y/N: Babe this is so fun.

Dave: Yeah it is.

You are sitting next to him on the couch and leaning against him higher than a fucking kite, and yall are laughing. Until you guys start to land. Then it was time to go to the hotel. You Dave and Kurt went to your room and cuddled as a family for the night. Basically Dave had Kurt asleep on his chest, your head on his shoulder as his arm is around you and you drift off peacefully.

It's the next morning and you get out of bed while Dave and Kurt are still asleep. Still Kurt layed on Dave's chest and Dave had his arm around him still sleeping. So you took a picture with flash and he woke up suddenly.

Dave: Babe... what are you doing??

Y/N: Took this picture, look how cute you guys are.

Dave: Aww. Babe I love you.

Y/N: I love you too baby.

You lean to Dave and kiss him while Kurt is still asleep Dave gets up softly to not wake the baby. You both take a shower together. When you both get in you let the water run on eachother and start making out with eachother. Dave moves his hands slowly with the water down your back and you move your hands up his back. As he picks you up and kisses you and smiles as he puts your back to the wall and kisses down your neck, then he slides in and kissed your neck. Then he whispers in your ear.

Dave: Fuck, I want to marry you baby.

Y/N: Do it.

You whisper in his ear as he sets you down then you get on your knees in the shower and started sucking his dick. He then started washing your hair as you sucked his dick. Then he came and you swallowed.

     It was time for the next show. It was the last show of the tour and Dave sees you off to the side of the stage and performed the song You Really Got Me and grabbed your hand and dragged you back to the center front of the stage did a spin on the last line and spun down to a knee. Hes still got the mic in his hand.

Dave: Y/N baby, will you marry me?

    The crowd got silent awaiting your answer.

Y/N: Yea baby.

    The crowd went absolutely ape shit.


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