The Next Chapter

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    It's time for Dave to back on the road with Van Halen. You're both very excited that the band is getting back together.

Eddie: Hey Dave how about you bring your girlfriend's band to our meeting.

Dave: Yeah man okay.

Eddie: The way they pulled the crowd at he own gender reveal party.

Dave: You should've seen what she did in the Viper Room. Her and Kurt.

Eddie: On our tour I was thinking of them traveling with us and at the end of the show we can do a remembrance for him, we need to talk with the groups were touring with to do so.

Dave: I'll bring it up to Y/N and tell her to come with me. But what about our Kurt?

Eddie: Your son can go on the tour with us. My wife will be coming along with Wolfgang. You gotta start em off young.

Dave: Sounds good Eddie, alright I'll see you all tomorrow guys. Good to be back.

     He gets back home from his band meet. You're playing with Kurt in the living room with a tiny basketball.

Dave: Hey babe can I talk to you for a sec?

Y/N: Yeah what's up?

Dave: So as you know Van Halen is planning a tour...

Y/N: Yeahhh??

Dave: Eddie asked me to bring your band to the meet tomorrow.

Y/N: Okay... Should I get someone to watch Kurt?

Dave: No, bring him with us.

Y/N: Okay.

     It's the next day and you and Dave get ready to go to the band meet. You call your bandmates and tell them to meet you there. On the way there you listen to some music and Nirvana comes on. You reach towards the stereo to turn it up and Dave's hand beats you to it. He cranks it to the maximum with little Kurt sitting in the backseat. You stare at Dave with a slight smile, he looks back at you and starts singing along. The song was Heart Shaped Box and Dave singing it had you in shock. You thought he didnt like the "grunge" genre, yeah he got along with Kurt Cobain but you never would've thought he'd full on jam out to it. You look at Kurt sitting in his carseat in the back and see him bouncing and smiling as Dave looks in the rearview mirror in the car and sees it and smiles. Then you both look at eachother and smile.

     You arrive at the studio for the meeting. Your band mates arrive shortly after you do as Eddie, Alex, and Michael come out to greet you. Eddie takes Kurt out as Dave, Alex, and Michael help you get some equipment out. Eddie takes Kurt into the studio but then doesn't come back out. You all get the last of the equipment inside and there sits Eddie with Wolfgang and Kurt playing with them, rolling the ball around and laughing.

Eddie: Sorry guys I got distracted.

Alex: Hey little bro I would too.

Eddie: Y/N he definitely has your humor, and like Dave he giggles at everything. He's so adorable you guys really got lucky.

Dave: Yeah, but you're not the one changing his diapers man.

Eddie: I mean I can.

Y/N: Damn babe he just showed your ass up.

Dave: Hey Y/N how bout you and Eddie have a guitar battle..!

Y/N: Uhm-

Eddie: You play?

Y/N: I mean yeah but...

Eddie: But what?

Y/N: I'm not... that good.

Dave: C'mon babe. I know Kurt taught you something.

Y/N: Yeah he did but I think Cobain himself would agree that neither of us is Eddie Van Halen. I mean for fuck sake hes second on my list.

Eddie: Now I'm curious. Whose your top three?

Y/N: Hendrix, You, and Prince.

Eddie: What's your reasoning?

Y/N: Well Hendrix can play it upside down and with his mouth, You play like a fucking god, and Prince knows how to make that shit like five different genres.

Eddie: Fair enough.

    You help set up the equipment and they have you play a few songs. Now being a coverband and possibly opening for a band such as Van Halen you cant do any Van Halen songs. You can however cover one of Dave's songs and the song you cover for them was Yankee Rose. The guys in Van Halen thought it was rather funny while David was lip syncing the words on the outside and laughing. Eddie slightly nudges him and laughs. We finished the song and go back out to where they are.

Eddie: I would like to know if you would all be down to tour with us?


Eddie: Alright then, first show is in a few months be ready.

Y/N: What about Kurt?

Eddie: Hes coming with.

Y/N: You mean like on the whole tour?

Eddie: Yes, itll be okay my wife and Wolfgang are going as well.

Y/N: Okay sounds like a plan.

    You all hang out in the studio for a little bit, everyone seems to be drawn into Kurt and Wolfgang. They were sitting in the middle of the floor and both bands sit in a circle like way around the two kids. The two kids are rolling and passing a ball. Just when Kurt catches the ball hugs onto it and lays over into Dave's lap and yawns. The circle filled with awws.

    After the meet Eddie said everyone could leave their equipment there You and Dave walk to the car with Kurt. Then eddie stops you for a second.

Eddie: Want me to babysit him for the day, take him off your hands for a few so you two can relax and not have to worry for a little bit?

Y/N: Yeah that would be nice Eddie thank you.

Eddie: No problem.


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