Viper Room

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      It's the next day and you start to get ready. The first band plays at dawn then the shows only get better from there. You and Kurt get dressed as he decides he wants to play guitar for your gig today since your lead guitarist is having some problems with his hands. You both arrive at the place immediately getting backstage and rolling blunts and joints as well as passing around the occasional rigs and bongs, getting high on a swivel. As some of the smoke clears you see someone walk to you. "Its Dave." You thought you said to yourself but he heard you again "Aww man, did I miss all the fun?" He asked in a flirtatious way. "No we were just taking an intermission, here try this." You toss him your dab pen until the next round. You both sit there in a far out state of being as Kurt taps you and says, "Hey were on... you ready?" He asks you. "Yea." You said in a sad yet playful tone. "I'll be out there watchin baby." You hear Dave say from behind as you catch him taking a quick glance at your ass. Kurt grabs your hands not being able to contain his laughter at you getting out played. "Hes just, you're trying to impress and out flirt him and his really showing you up. It's also very fun to watch you two and listen to the stoner conversation you're having." Kurt tells you.

        You start your gig and see David cheering from the crowd. He's smiling at you and hyping you up from the crowd. So for shits and giggles you start with a Van Halen song Panama, followed by Mötley Crüe's Shout At The Devil and Cinderella's Shake Me. And he's eating it all up. As you finish and the last band performed you and him shared a slow moment to the song Home Sweet Home being played. He had you in his arms and you were facing him moving at a slow pace. You fall into his arms further into a hug like way putting your head on him and moving slowly to the song. "I've got to go." You say to him, and just as you leave he stops you "Can I have your number darling?" He says, making you smile immensely. "Of course you can honey." You say back to him as Kurt is in tears of laughter at you.

     As you and Kurt get back to the hotel you get a call. "Hey its Dave." You hear on the other end.

Y/N: So what are you doing?

Dave: Just got back and decided to call you?

Y/N: Wow I would think you'd be balls deep in some fine ass LA strpper or something.

Dave: Nah... why be balls deep in a stripper when I van be balls deep in you.?

Y/N: That... that right there, fucking comedy central man. Why would anybody want me?

Dave: Well you're cute, you seem fun, and we have similar interests.

Y/N: Should I mention that were from the same state as well

Dave: Wait a minute... You're from indiana?

Y/N: Yup. Would you like to visit me at my home? I go back pretty soon but I have to make a stop in Washington first and my friend and I could really use your help.

Dave: How about I ride with you guys to Washington then catch a flight with you back home?

Y/N: Sounds great.

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