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Timeskip: One week- Wednesday: 3:00 pm

As one memory was made, another was about to happen. Graduation day. You make your way to the auditorium and part ways with your family as they make there way to their seats, along with Kenma next to them. You take your seat a few seats behind Kuroo (due to seating being arranged by last name) but not far enough where you lose him in the crowd.

It's honestly had t believe that you made it through high school without even realizing it. As the ceremony begins, you try to think back to what happened during your high school years, but all you could think about was Kuroo. as cliché as it is, he was made up the majority of your years. He was a part of all the memories you've created and not just with high school. Ever since you were in kindergarten, Kuroo was there... even a little part of you remembers all the way before that. Remembering when a new family was moving next door. You were hoping for the family to have a daughter your age but instead you got a messy, black haired boy who wouldn't shut up about science and 3 inches taller than you... and he only got taller from there.

They begin to announce all students who recieved an award. You had recieved academic excellence award and honor roll, while Kuroo recieved athlete's award, science award, and honor roll... you can believe his ego boosted on it's own, but he deserved it. 

Lastly, was the Valedictorian's speech. A few days before grad, the principal had asked both you and Kuroo to decide who would be the Valedictorian because you both tied for the highest grades and were both excellent classmates to your peers, along with your hardwork for the volleyball team. The principal said you both showed honor to Nekoma High. It was an endless argument between you and Kuroo about who should get to deliver the speech, Kuroo was very persistent on you giving the speech but you thought it fit him better. Kuroo was also better at public speaking, it just had to be him. Thankfully, you had that kind of effect on Kuroo to the point where he finally gave in. 

He makes his way on stage and stands in front of the podium. He fixes his posture and the light shines right on him, his black hair causing a shadow on one of his eyes... he was never able to tame it. "Hello class of 2021..." he flashes a smile to the crowd and in return he's rewarded with a few whistles and ouu's.

 "It would be cliché for me to say that this isn't the end but only the beginning... but I would be lying if I said this wasn't the end, because this is the end of a great time in our lives. High school is the place to make mistakes and memories. To be reckless and to live in the moment, to stay out late until the sunrises, to sing your heart out to your favourite song... to fall in love," he looks at you. Why is he so charming?

 "...before we have to move on with our lives and experience different things." He takes a moment to breathe and continues.

 "I'm proud to say I'm graduating with a group of people who are tomorrow's new leaders, we all have worked so hard to get to where we are today and it wasn't easy... Right now, I'm looking at future doctors, future engineers, entrepreneurs... volleyball players," he flashes another smile. He looks good up there.

"And even if we don't know, we'll figure it out. No matter how far we'll go in life, Nekoma will always be our home. Thank you to the staff and teachers for being helping us and shaping us to be who we are... A special thank you to Coach Nekomata, we love you and I'll be sure to help out with the future volleyball team..." He raises his voice a little louder and points to Coach. The rest of the team yells and hoots from amongst the crowd. Coach leaves a big smile on his face.

"So to put it simple,congrats to us and the future that we hold!" He raises his fist and gleams to the audience. Every cheers and claps and he makes his way down back to his seat. 

"Graduating class of 2021, I'd like to ask you to which you ribbons to the other side of your cap..."The principal calls out. Everyone stands up and does so.

"Congradulations class of 2021! You have now graduated!" Caps a tossed in the air and people clap and yell, filling the room with noise and cheers. You try your best to make your way through the groups of people and red gowns, to try to find Kuroo... and finally there he was. You run to him and hug him, he picks you up and spins you around like many times before. 

"You did amazing Kuroo!" you say proud of his speech.

"You think so?" he takes a moment to pull away from the hug to look at you.

"Yes! If I was Valedictorian I don't like I could have said something better..." you say, your face in awe. 

He doesn't say anything and just smiles at you. His eyes said everything, that your words meant everything to him. 

You make your way to your families who were waiting for you at the exit. Kuroo's parents congradulated you while Mayumi handed you flowers. Your parents did the same for Kuroo. Kenma looked like he couldn't care less but you knew it hurt him how much he was going to miss you two.

"Oh come one Kenma, I don't get a hug?" Kuroo exclaims at Kenma who's eyes were glued to the screen of his phone. 

"Awe, he's just sad we're not gonna be here next year..." you say nudging his shoulder.

"NO I'm not! I could care less..." Kenma shouts quickly.

"If you didn't care, then why are you mad?" you say raising your eyebrow.

Kenma doesn't say anything for a brief moment but then you start to notice his head hanging a little lower and hear him sob even though it's quiet. 

You give Kuroo a look, it breaks your heart that you have to leave Kenma, "Oh, Kenken you'll be okay..." you bring him in your arms and he lets you. 

"Yeah, I mean you had to wait a year before joining us in high school, this will be just the same and in no time, we'll be together again. And don't think for a second that we'd forget about you..." Kuroo says pulling you both into a group hug. 

Kenma continues to sob, deep down he knows things will be okay, he just dislikes the idea of having to change his whole routine for a year but he'll manage. 

"I promise to have as many sleepovers with you this summer... and to have a sleepover with you each time I come to visit." you say trying to get a look at his face.

"Yeah and I will play video games with you as much as possible," Kuroo adds on.

"I don't care about you, dumbass, I'm sad Y/N is leaving..." Kenma says coldly towards Kuroo. Kuroo's face has offended written all over it. You giggle. 

"I'm gonna let that slide..." he says continuing to hug you two. 

"Don't think I won't visit often... Our university is still in Tokyo," you remind Kenma. This lifts his spirits. 

You guys continue to huddle there until your parents call you to the car. You'd be seeing them later anyways since Kuroo's family wanted to throw a grad party at their place. As you walk away from the high school, you collect all the memories you have all together. Graduating was just another memory that would be bottled up and kept close to your heart forever because like Kuroo said this isn't the end, this is just beginning... of something great.

-End of Chapter 38-

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