Chapter One:I'm not asking you I'm telling you

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I'm back bishes,lol so I loved staying with the Hale's and so did you guys. That's why I'm making the sequel, enjoy.


Derek dipped his paint brush in dark red paint, biting his lip he put the finishing touches on his art.He added detail to the background with a relaxed sigh, his beanie slouching on his head.Paint dried on his finger tips from fixing some mistakes he had made earlier.

His phone chirped and he glared at it from where he sat in his art room.He continued but his phone chirped once again, he growled again and ignored it.He added black to a thinner brush and outlined the shadows on his canvas.

His phone buzzed and chirped at the same time and he stopped abruptly.His eyes flashed red with annoyance but he put down his brush and answered his phone.

"Who ever this is I'm busy."He growled his patience low.

"Is that anyway to talk to your older sister?"Laura chided her sibling from the other line.

"Laura?" Derek checked the time, Stiles should be getting home from work soon.

"The one and only."She sassed.

"I haven't seen you in like three years...why are you calling?" Derek placed the phone between his shoulder and head and opened the door,he walked towards the bathroom.

"Well I wanted to invite you and Stiles to our family trip this week." Derek could hear the smile on her voice as he scrubbed his hands with soap and water.

"Laura,it's such short notice and we both work...." Derek dried his hands with a small towel.

"I checked online and you're not filming until next month and I called Stiles and he asked his boss if he could take the week off starting today." Laura chimed,"you're welcome."

"Laur it's just-"Derek started.

"if it's about dad,mom already talked to him." Laura spoke with sympathy. "And we all really miss you."

Derek felt his cheeks turn red,of course he felt bad for not visiting but he didn't want to face his father not again.He bit his lip thinking of the outcome, so many things could go wrong.But he knew she wasn't asking him to come she was telling him to.

"I'll talk to Stiles about it." She squealed loudly from the other line, "But no promises,okay?"

"okay!"She chimed excitedly.

"How have you been?"Derek walked towards the kitchen and dug through the refrigerator so that he could make lunch for Stiles and himself.

"i've been good baby bro, it's been dull without you." Laura stated sadly."I'm a lawyer now so I get to punch people in the face with justice."

Derek laughed,"if I ever want to punch someone with justice I know who to call."

"hell yeah you do." She boomed from the other line.

Derek grinned, the door opened revealing Stiles.Stiles pecked Derek on the lips, Derek could hear Laura squealing and he laughed.Stiles raised an eyebrow at Derek until he saw the phone,he smiled brightly.

"Hey Laura." Stiles chirped brightly.

Derek switched his phone on speaker so that they both could talk to her.Stiles shut the door and placed his satchel on their leather couch.

"Hey cutie."Laura was practically chirping.

"Cutie?"Derek questioned.

Stiles shrugged and flicked Derek's nose affectionately,Derek went cross eyed trying to look at his nose.

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