Chapter 11

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Draco's POV:

We were all sitting in the common room, and Teddy was on Mya's lap

"Ok, first off no wands, you can keep them with you but no using them for anything. Im talking to you Blaise" Said Mya, glaring at blaise as he looked at her with a betrayed look.

"We will be living in the Grangers house-"

"wont they have a problem with us living there" asked Ron

"No they wont, because after they found out that I knew Harry was my brother , they decided to move, but they moved after I modified their memories, so the house is now mine" Mya said then Harry started talking

"We also fixed the house, so the outside looks the same, but when you go inside, there are extra rooms, and bathrooms when we want... Actually who wants their own room and who wants to sleep with their partner"

"I want to sleep with my partner" I said winking at Mya, she blushed while Harry wrinkled his nose

"me to" said Blaise, with a wicked grin on his face

"do you want to share a room love?" Theo asked luna softly

"of course"

"I think we all will share a room with our girlfriends" said Ron

"Ok, back to what I was saying, we are going to gringotts really quick to exchange wizarding money to muggle money. Then we will apparate to the house, settle in and we'll go from their, we still have about 2 hours left before we leave so I suggest you guys put your trunks in the living room" said Harry

"Harry I don't think its a good idea to apparate to the house with all these trunks, maybe we should just take the train"

"no no its fine, here how about we shrink our trunk and put them in our pocket when its time to leave" Mya rolled her eyes and nodded, I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her

"How about you and I go for a walk" I whispered, she nodded her head, put teddy down, and took my hand in hers, and we left.

"are you excited to go on your first muggle week"

"of course my love"

"Great, ill show you all my favorite things"

"I love you"

"I love you more"

"impossible, because I love you more"

"I love you tons"

"I love you lots"

" I love you more than lots"

" I love yo-" but before I could finish I was cut off

"Drakie!!!" then that person jumped on me making me fall, I opened my eyes and saw Astoria Greengrass ontop of me, and I turned my head and saw that Mya had fallen as well, I pushed Greengrass off me got up and helped up Mya, then Greengrass, started talking

"Drakie, what are you doing with the mud blood"

"Watch your mouth Greengrass, this MUGGLEBORN happens to be my girlfriend and I love her" I said proudly, grabbing Mya's hand and Kissing her,

"Did last night mean nothing to you, you seemed so happy, and I was happy, a very pleasurable night that was" she said batting her eyes

"Draco, is this true" Mya said, I looked at her about to tell her that Greengrass was lying, but I looked into her eyes, and saw mischief, I smirked, and let go of her hand

"of course I was, isn't that right Astoria" I looked at Greengrass, and she had this look, like she knew she was going to loose

"oh but Draco, weren't you with me ALL DAY, packing our bags and Playing with teddy" I fake a suprised look, and turn to Greengrass

"Thats true, so I wonder who you slept with last night Greengrass" I said, then I saw as here face turn red and she ran off. We both started laughing and went back to the common room since we had a few more minutes before we leave.

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