Chapter 5

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Hey readers, I hope you like this chapter. 

Hermione's POV:

I woke up, and got ready I was looking for outfits when Draco came in my room

"Good morning Mya. Its supposed to be very hot today, so try not to wear anything to revealing and shows too much skin. I dont want people starring at you, even though they know you are mine as I am yours" he said while hugging me from behind, I turn around and kiss him

" Hmmm... ok.. but if its going to be hot today I might have to give you a fashion show, because most of these outfits were bought when I was with Ginny, so.. you sit here and wait for me to change to the perfect outfit" I said while pushing him on my bed, then I kissed him and went to change into the few outfits I had in mind....

Outfit 1

"How do you like this one"

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"How do you like this one"

"eh.. I like it but It shows a little bit to much" he said, I rolled my eyes and decided to wear it tomorrow

outfit 2

" this one?"

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" this one?"

" Yah, it looks nice. but... oh fine, you can wear it" He said as I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. after that. we went down to breakfast Draco went to the Slytherin table and I went to the Gryffindor table. I was eating, I was facing the Slytherin table, Ron was sitting next to me on the right, Lavender was on the other side of Ron, talking to Harry, Who was infront of Lavender and Ginny was infront of Ron and Luna was infront of me, even though she is a Ravenclaw she still sits with us, and so does Theo and Pans, I think he might fancy Luna. Then Cormac sat next to me, ewww,

"I was thinking maybe you me, Lav, Pans, and Lu can all go shopping in Hogsmead, and Diagon alley, since Mcgonnagall said that-" Ginny said but was cut off by Cormac

" So I was thinking Hermione, that death eater isn't good enough for you, I mean come on.. you can date me" He said, as he threw his arm around my shoulder, I shook his arm off my shoulder and looked at him

"Well ill have you know that even though I have only been dating Draco for 2 days, that I really am happy with him, and If I were to break up with him and date you, I would say that dating you would be a down grade." Then I noticed my friend group was looking at me and Cormac

"Well, lets face it, we all know Malfoy is just using you for a shag, and once he gets that from you he will leave you, I mean look at you, you can probably make business to guys who want a shag, the same would go to, Lovegood, Parkinson, Girl Weasley, and brown-" Before he could finish his sentence I slapped him, I was standing, and so was he, he had his wand pointed at me and I had mine pointing at him. By now the whole great hall was starring at me and Mclaggen, Ron, Harry, and Theo, were clutching their wands, it looked like Blaise and Draco were doing the same, while Ginny, Luna, Pansy, and Lavender were standing, and upset.

"You will regret that" Said Mclaggen, said and before I had time to say a counter spell I was blasted

"Stupify" Mclaggen yelled, I flew back and fell on the ground. I saw the boys(Ron, Harry, Draco, Blaise, and Theo) were beating mclaggen up, and the girls and Seamus and Dean came to me to check if I was ok

Draco's POV:

I went to the Slytherin table I was eating but I was starring at Hermione the whole time Blaise was talking to me

"Mate, I know she is your girlfriend and all but you look like a killer staring at her like that" Blaise said, I turned to him

"Sorry, its cause I dont like how Mclaggen in putting his arm around her like that, she even looks annoyed" Then I hear Mclaggen say my name

"-we all know Malfoy is just using you for a shag, and once he gets that from you he will leave you,  I mean look at you, you can probably make business to guys who want a shag, the same would go to, Lovegood, Parkinson, Girl Weasley, and brown-" Then Hermione slapped him, the girls were now standing with their wands out, I was standing to and so was Blaise,

Then next thing I knew, I saw Hermione being blasted to the other side of the great hall. I got up with blaise following me, when I got to him I started beating him up, then Blaise joined, then Harry, then Ron, then, Theo. Then I remembered Hermione, I turned around and saw the girls helping her, then I saw two guys, I think it was Finnigan and Thomas, I suddenly felt a little jealous, so I walked towards them, and picked Hermione up while the others Dragged Mclaggen to the headmistress's office. I picked Hermione up bridal way and took her outside to a nice beautiful tree, and sat us down on the ground

"Draco, this tree is lovely, but why did you carry me away from my friends, they were just trying to make sure I was ok"

"Im sorry, Mya I just got jealous that there were two boys making sure you were ok before me"

"Draco, Seamus and Dean are gay, they are dating each other" She said giggling a little. God I love her laugh, but I also feel embarrassed

"Its ok Draco, any way I love this tree, its perfect, maybe this could be our tree" She said cuddling up next to me, I smiled.

"Yeah, our tree" I say putting my arm around her, and lay my head on hers. Then she pulls out a book from her bag,

"You dont mind if I read to you, do you?" She asked

"I dont mind" I said and she started reading while I placed my head on her legs and starred at her as she read.

-----------------------------------------Time Skip---------------------------------------------------------------

We were still by the tree and Hermione was almost done with the book, as she played with my hair, then we heard Ginny

"WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN, YOU GUYS MISSED MCGONAGAL'S SPEACH" She yelled, then Hermione Jumped up leaving me to fall on my head in the ground
"Oh god I didn't know, I better go before classes start" she said, but before she could leave, Ginny grabbed her 

"Don't worry about that, She said that there is going to be a marriage law so we only have one class a day, and all 7th years can go to Diagon alley and Hogsmeade whenever they want"

"Thats great, but did you say marriage law?" Hermione asked 

"Yup, the sorting hat will be pairing you with your soulmate. OH MY GOD WHAT IF IM PARED WITH A WEIRDO" Ginny yelled, Maybe she will get pair with Blaise, but then my thought were cut off, when Ginny yelled again


"Gin can you please stop yelling" Hermione said

"Sorry, I will come get you guys later, the sorting starts in a hour" ginny said, then she left, Hermione sighed, and climbed to my lap and hurried her head on the crook of my neck. I smiled, and placed my arms around her, after a while I noticed she was sleeping, so I let my self rest as well and closed my eyes. After a while, Ginny came back and told us it was time for the sorting, we walked to the great hall, I really hope I still get Hermione. 

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