When they see you wearing a skirt 🥵

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When they see you wearing a skirt

First scenario where i added
Baji and Mitsuya im still working on them for the scenarios before but here's something for now. Hope you guys like it! ❤️



- Mikey was sleeping on your couch so sheepishly.. sometimes it was hard to believe he could defeat a whole gang by himself.

- You just got dressed to go grab some food with Mikey when you decided to change ur normal pants to a very sexy looking skirt.

- You normally don't wear skirts often but today you decided to surprise Mikey with a very good looking outfit.

- You pulled up your skirt and checked in the mirror.

- The skirt was hardly long enough to cover your thighs but you thought it looked good so you decided to go out like this.

- After stepping out of the bathroom you saw Mikey on your couch waking up slowly

- He sat there as stifled a yawn into his fist while his eyes started to focus on his surroundings again.

- He looked trough the room till his eyes met yours.

- He wanted to say something but the words died in his Troat after he looked down to your skirt

- You almost thought you saw him blush for a second
- „ wow y/n-Chin .. you look really beautiful „ he finally admitted.

- „ what makes me have the honor to take you out like this? „

- you blushed heavily at his comment

- „ it's just a skirt Mikey-Kun don't Act stupid." you said wich lead to him jumping out of his seat to step infront of you

- „ I'm aware of the fact that you're always beautiful. But going out like this.. you really want me to beat up some other people don't you? „ he said with an evil grin.

- „ huh? Mikey-nun no! „ but he cutt you off with his Words.

- „ you look so beautiful y/n-Chin. I will have a hard time keeping these hungry eyes from you. „
- you chuckeld at his response and dragged him towards the door.

- But he pulled you back until you landed in his lap.

- „ Mikey you Said you're hungry let's go you wanted to grab Dorayaki right? „

- He looked at you and his soft smile turned dark all of a sudden

- - „ ... Mikey-kun ? „ you asked him again

- „ my appetite changed „ he said with an evil smirk on

- you didn't quite get what he meant until he pulled you over until he was on top of you

- „ MIKEY?! „ you yelled at him

- But he only replied with

- „ y/n-Chin knows desert is the best part of having dinner. And you know how much I like sweets so.. „ he almost hummed in your ear

- You shivered at his voice and you could feel his soft hands slowly moving up your skirt

- „ don't worry y/n-Chin we won't go to bed hungry „

- We're the last words you heard from him knowing damn good no ones gonna get real food today.


 𝕋𝕠𝕜𝕪𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤  - Boyfriend Scenarios ❤️Where stories live. Discover now