How you comfort them 🥺

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- Mikeys life can be really stressful.
- He's often injured, forgets to eat (or only eats fast food and candy) and he doesn't sleep enough

- so giving him a safe space to rest is more than enough comfort for him.

- You don't need to cook for him or baby him

- if you want to comfort him all you need to do is lay down with him and stroke his hair while softly massaging his skull

- he will almost purr because of the relaxation

- you can feel his tense back muscles loose on top of you.

- It's always a sign that he's really comfortable and relaxed

- After a while you would check up on him:
" Mikey-Kun are you tired? "

- just to hear a light snoring and seeing that your beloved boyfriend fell already asleep on top of you.

- Giving him time to relax and rest is the most comforting thing you can do for Mikey


- His hobby is muscle training he uses it to reduce stress and also to stay fit for fights

- but same as Mikey he's often injured and stressed.

- so besides cooking for him you suggest him to go for a ride on his Bike. (Once again - he loves his bike)

- Driving Bike is always relaxing to Draken
Just driving being free and feeling the wind against his head.

- You would suggest him to just drive somewhere without a destination and then just grab some drinks (I can clearly see Draken enjoying alcoholics from time to time)

- you would try your best that he forgets about the gang and maybe even Mikey for a day and this his the best you can do to comfort Draken


- He would seek your comfort very often.

You're his girlfriend. His comfort person and all he needed to relax.

- It doesn't matter what you do for him as long as you're with him he will be happy

- If you want to comfort him you can always play video games with him or even read stories to him.
- As long as hes with you he's comforted.

- he buys a lot of snacks just to spend the whole day with you in bed watching movies or playing games.

- He escapes reality with you

 𝕋𝕠𝕜𝕪𝕠 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤  - Boyfriend Scenarios ❤️Where stories live. Discover now