Chapter x

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"First on the agenda," the piglin cleared his throat. "Well, the only thing on the agenda. I'm sure you've all heard about it, so I'll be brief. There have been reported rumors of our favorite royal majesty, Malik Cynfridth, preparing for war to conquer the over world. As if the entire Nether isn't enough."

A couple chuckles echoed throughout the room.

"Uh, Technoblade? Could you ask your... guard, to step out of the room? Philza is fine, but I'm not sure the child can keep his mouth shut." A older yet fit piglin by the name of Alexander asked.

"Ah, of course. Tommy," the man turned around in his chair once again, "could you escort yourself out?"

The teen huffed angrily but did as he was told, putting the war hardened veteran at ease.

"I apologize for interrupting. Please, continue."

"Thank you. After reviewing the obsidian trade, as well as the value of iron, diamond, and pre made armor, along with reports from my... moles in the royal military, I have deduced that this rumor is in fact true. Because of this, we need to make proper preparations. Though I am confident of the military capabilities of myself, along with Ryker, Alexander, and Oswald, I worry for yours, Technoblade and Chandler."

"And why would that be?" The half blooded man asked, resentment bubbling up in his tone.

"I mean no disrespect, I am just painfully aware of your troops'... Training habits. That, and you are quite young compared to the rest of us, and so your training methods may not be polished."

"Are you referring to the fact that I do not work my men like animals?"

"No, absolutely not! As I said, I mean no disrespect-"

"I might be young, but I am no fool. I know a passive aggressive remark when I hear one, Abraham."

"Lord Technoblade, I-"

"you what?"

"Gentlemen," The half strider stood, placing her hands on the table. The men went silent and watched her. "Technoblade, you needn't be this aggressive, and lord Abraham, your remark was rather sly. Please, refrain from insulting each other, just this once." She sat back down with a tired huff.

"Of course, my nitpicking and aggression was entirely unnecessary. My apologies, Lord Abraham."

"Likewise, Lord Technoblade. Now as we were, make sure your militia and troops are ready to dispatch at any given time. This could be extremely serious, and we have not a moment to waste if Cynfridth is to call upon us for backup."

"But why are we going to help that tyrannical monarch conquer more land with the entirety of the nether at their disposal?" Techno spoke, disdain in his tone.

"We are aware of your anarchist beliefs, but it is our duty to serve our majesty." A thin piglin in glasses spoke, his face wrinkled and sagging with time.

"Our duty? Oswald, do you not understand what we are? Our political position gives us no obligation to assist the royals with anything!"

"It gives you no obligation. Malik fears you!" Ryker, a middle aged piglin covered in scars spat.

"Exactly, gentlemen, which is why I have a plan. We can get a fair share of the land they conquer, but we'll need Technoblade to do it. Cynfridth fears you, so they'll bend to your will."

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