Chapter viii

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Black loafers clicked against the reflective marble flooring as Ranboo made his way down the hallway. Approaching large dark oak doors, he opened them. Technoblade and Dream spoke among the warm lantern light of the library, Aerin and Athena sitting criss cross on the floor. They held books in their hands and practiced reading together. Kiska was browsing books on the far end of the room, glancing at the men chatting.

"Technoblade, sir?"

The warlord looked up. "Yes?"

"It is getting rather late, and I'm quite sure that our guests are missing their homes. I am also here to inform you that important information was gathered, and Luxzania is requesting a meeting as soon as possible."

"I see," The man closed his eyes in understanding before turning back to the blond man. "I hate to cut our time short, but I politely have to ask you to leave, Dream."

"Of course. Do you want me to get Kiska?"

The girl anxiously looked over at the mention of her name, her white tipped ears flicking.

"No, I'm sure she heard. Children?"

The two youngsters on the floor looked up.

"Don't do anything obscene, I'm going to escort our guests out."

"Yes sir."

"Okie dokie."


The group of adults made their way out of the library and to the front doors, Ranboo stuck to Technoblade's side. Kiska lingered behind the half enderman, while Dream walked in front of everyone.

"Hey, thanks for having me over, Techno."

"No, I have to be thanking you, Dream. I get to gloat about beating a god's ass." The two grinned at each other, bumping their fists in a friendly manner before the man in green slid out of the door.

"And, Kiska. Thank you for helping me teach the children today. I'd like to have you over more, as they seemed to enjoy your presence."

The half wolf smiled. "Any time, Techie." She patted his arm before following the other's example, silently sliding out of the door.

Ranboo's eyes lingered for a moment before flicking to the pink haired man.

"Now, should we make our way to the meeting room? Lux is already there, along with Phil and Tommy."

"Yeah, sure. Let's head up."

The two began to travel to the room when Technoblade started his questions.

"Did Lux mention what this was about?"

"No. I asked, but he said it'd be best to tell us all at once."

"I see. It must be bad. He might be sweet but the man sure does love his gossip."

"He does, he does."

Two heavy dark oak doors sat open in the crisp white hallway, beckoning the men to enter. Inside, a long chocolate colored table sits in the center of the room, and two men had taken their places already.

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