Chapter vii

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"The first step to learning how to fly. Doing it yourself." Philza spoke calmly as an updraft blew his blond hair upwards. He brought his hand up, holding on his hat as the brim flapped. Then he took it off and set it on the ground.

The griffin child looked down and swallowed at the sight below them. The black ravine was deep, the only thing at the bottom was a stream of lava. This crack in the hellscape was almost an entire chunk deep, and at least a hundred blocks long. It was wide, as well, and had a constant updraft.

"I have to just jump in?" She asked nervously.

"Of course not mate! I'll go a couple of times first. We'll start with hovering, since this is the perfect location to. It's important to learn how angling your wings even the slightest can change your flight, and you should learn what works for you outside of action. Trust me."

"Okay, but if I die it's your fault."

The bird man just chuckled and reached out over the ravine, enjoying the feeling of wind between his fingers and smiled. Leaning forwards, he let himself free fall for a few seconds before opening his wings and catching wind. He curved them a little as. Then he tilted his wings a bit, stretching his left out and shifting in that direction. He did the same with the right.

"See, it's easy!" He had to shout a little, but the grin on his face calmed the child's nerves a smidge. Phil floated over to the edge, lowering himself until he could safely place his feet back onto the blackstone.

"That does look a little easy, I'll admit it, but don't think that you can make me risk my life that easy."

"Alright, then I'll show you again. It's alright if you're nervous. I'll save you if you do fall, and I'll go out with you on your first time. Okay mate?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Ballari looked down for a second before watching her mentor move towards the edge once again.

Philza smiled as he dropped this time, diving downwards. Letting himself fall, he didn't spread his wings until the heat of the lava below became near unbearable. As he caught the updraft, the force shot him upwards. Using this momentum, once he got closer to the top, he tucked his wings around himself and spun in the air. Once the man began to fall again, he stretched out all his limbs and smiled wide.

"What was that?" The child had an awestruck expression on her face.

Phil landed. "Just a simple trick."

"You've got to teach me to do that!"

"Well, you'll have to learn to fly first mate. Now, c'mon. Let's go do this." He grabbed the half griffin's hands comfortably and led her to the edge. Pretty soon, she began to resist.

"No way old man, you can't make me," Ballari spoke anxiously as they got closer to the edge. "Nope, nope, nope, nope, no way. No fucking way. No way." The child's voice was rising in pitch and they began to tug their hands to their sides.

"Hey, look at me mate." Philza beckoned the child's eyes to his own. "It's alright. I'll be holding your hand the entire time. I won't let you fall."


"I promise."

The winged child sighed heavily. "Okay. Let's- let's do this."

DadnobladeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora