
Ayedah immediately regretted asking, when an infuriatingly smug look appeared on Ozge's face. "Look now," she snickered, turning slightly to look up at her friend.. "Look at that giddy, hopeful, lovestruck expression on your face- you like him." She giggled like a schoolgirl, before repeating herself as if Ayedah did not hear. "You like him, you really like him," she said in a squealing voice. "You have a crush on him, it's so obvious!" Ayedah coughed loudly and cleared her throat. "I have nothing of the sort," she said firmly. "We're. Just. Friends."

"That is exactly what someone with a crush on the person we're talking about would say, in that exact tone," teased Ozge, making Ayedah glare down at her and tug annoyedly on her hair. "Ow!" "And that is exactly what an annoying person gets when they tease their friend for a made up fantasy," Ayedah snickered as Ozge glared at her through the mirror. "Now shut up and let me brush your hair." Ozge muttered incoherently for a while as Ayedah brushed her hair, untangling it so she could style it properly into a bun for her. During filming days, the hairdresser would do it for Ozge to match her costume and desired look; but since it was already after hours and the cast and crew were relaxing after the day's hard work, the hairdresser had already left. So Ozge had tried to do her hair on her own, as she would usually do- though in the heat of her excitement from Ayedah's stories and updates, she was unable to do it. So Ayedah took to doing the job instead- not that she wasn't used to it; when they were younger, during the times they would meet during holidays whether at Ozge's house in Istanbul or Ayedah's in London, the two loved playing with each other's hair, and both grew quite talented at styling. They would practice on their own during the periods where they were apart, so they could try new things when they would meet. It was a fun little tradition, one that never died between their friendship.

Once Ayedah was done, she squeezed Ozge's shoulders slightly; "Done," she announced, and Ozge looked up from where she was staring at her Instagram to the mirror, and her eyes widened at the sight before her. "Wow, Ayedah, you did great," she said in awe, impressed. "Thanks!" Ayedah had twisted Ozge's hair into a simple bun, yet she pulled out and arranged a few locks and strands here and there to beautify it further. "I'm glad you like it," she said with a smile, before she looked at her watch. "We should get going," she remarked. "I've got to get home early." "Well we could always go with Celik," teased Ozge, nudging her friend and making her glare at her. "Very funny, but I thought we were going with Emel today?" she said, narrowing her eyes at Ozge as she packed her bag. "Yeah, yeah, we are," said Ozge resentfully. "Though I could go with her and you could go with your boyfriend-"

Before Ayedah could pick up the hairbrush sitting on the dresser and aim it at her friend, there was a knock on the trailer door and she quickly composed herself. "Coming," called out Ozge, as she put on her jacket and hurried over to the door. To Ayedah's surprise- and slight irritation as it made Ozge shoot her an infuriatingly smug look that made her want to throw her out the window- it was Burak who had knocked on the door and was waiting outside. "Is Ayedah here?" he asked. "I checked the writer's room, but Mehmet said she already left-" "She's here," said Ozge, pointing to Ayedah over her shoulder with her thumb, as Ayedah stepped into view, carrying her bag over her own shoulder. "Selam, Burak," she said with a slightly flustered smile, which Burak returned. "Hey, Ayedah," he said. "I was wondering if we could have a quick chat before you leave-"

Before Ayedah could say anything, Ozge almost pushed her out the door at Burak's knees as she said, "Yes, she's free- we won't be going for a while more." Ayedah gave her friend a dirty look, before turning to Burak and saying, "Sure, what is it you want to discuss?" Burak thanked Ozge before taking Ayedah aside and walking away from the trailers with her.

"How's your brother?" he asked, as they strode together across the set grounds. "We haven't really talked in a while since you asked for leave, and I've been busy with filming and my family- my sister's pregnant, you know, and I'm helping out a little." "Aww, Masha Allah," said Ayedah. "Allah bless her and her baby. "Ameen," said Burak with a soft smile. "But it was no excuse to not check up on you, sorry for that- I was just wondering if everything was alright." "Everything's okay, thanks for asking," said Ayedah with a small smile. "And Aarif is alright- he's just staying for a while due to his VISA, so I had to help him settle in." "Ah, I see," said Burak. "How's that been?" "Alright, I suppose, though not all that comfortable," said Ayedah truthfully. "I guess I'm still under a little bit of shock due to his presence." Burak smiled at her. "As I said before, not your fault," he said. "But you both are on good terms, no?" "Yes, Alhamdulillah," replied Ayedah with a relieved chuckle. "It's nice of you to care." "Of course I do, we're friends aren't we?" he said with a grin. "But if I am overstepping myself, do tell me-" "You're not, don't worry...besides, you were there when he arrived, so it's expected of you to be curious," Ayedah reassured him. "And I appreciate you asking, honestly- takes a little weight off my shoulders."

Your Grace - Burak ÇelikWhere stories live. Discover now