Chapter 12

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Regina POV:

I was running for a good 10 minutes or so. I'm almost at Eddie's house. I just had to get around this corner and down the hill. My phone started ringing in my pocket. My mom was calling me. I slowed down and tried to catch my breath. I answered the call.

R: Regina M: Mom

R: H-Hey mom.

M: Hey honey, where are you?

R: Just running with my friend, Roxie.
(Obvious lie)

M: Ok honey, I just haven't seen you since you brought the mail in. Ok honey, have fun! Love you!

R: I love you too, mom. (Another lie, I lost all respect for her and dad)

She hung up and I made it to Eddie's house out of breath. I started pounding on the door. "EDDIE! GABBY! IT'S REGINA! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!"

Eddie POV:

Gabby and I were still crying in our room, when we heard pounding on the door downstairs. "EDDIE! GABBY! IT'S REGINA! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" We rushed downstairs and opened the door. "Regina?" I asked her. I still had tears staining my face. "Yeah, it's me. Listen, you need to get everyone here, now! It's about Hiro and Reekid." She said. "Alright, what for?" I asked. "I'd explain, but it would be quicker to do so with everyone here." Regina explained. "Alright, I'll call everyone. And thank you." I said. "No, thank you." She said.

-Time Skip to everyone meeting up at Eddie's house brought to you by Five Nasty A-- Fools-

Still Eddie POV:

Everyone met up at my house. "Ok Regina, what did you call us for?" Josh asked. "I found this letter in the mail earlier." Regina said and handed me her phone with the picture of a letter on it.



"HIRO AND REEKID ARE ADOPTED!?" I asked her. "Not legally." Regina said. "I don't know how my parents got them, but whatever happened, they don't offically have custody over them. And they're going to court to officially adopt them, TODAY!" She said. "Well, we have to get over there and stop them!" I said. "Alright, Gabby, Josh, Narrator, come on!" I said and we headed to the car. "Regina, you should come too." I said. "Alright, I'm coming." Regina said. "Regina, wait!" Kristy shouted. "I'm coming with you." She said. Regina and I nodded. "Alright, let's go." Regina said as she and Kristy got in the car. "Ayden, Mully, Swagger, Gaege. Stay here, and we'll keep you updated." I said. "Alright. We'll be here." Ayden said and we left. I'm coming Hiro and Reekid. Mom and Dad are taking you home.

Hiro POV:

"HEY HIRO! REEKID! GET DRESSED, WE HAVE TO GO TO COURT!" Brad shouted. "Alright, what for?" I asked. "None of your business, now get dressed!" Brad yelled. Reekid and I went upstairs and got dressed.

(I'll let you pick what he wears, cause I'm too lazy to get an outfit)

We headed back downstairs and got in the car to go to court. I really, REALLY hope they finally get arrested for what they did to us.

We got to the courthouse and went inside.

We got to the courthouse and went inside

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