25. I'll Be Okay

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He walks inside the lab to see Tony screwing a screw but his eyes gazed over, maybe thinking about something.

"Tony." Calls his name and Tony's head snapped in his direction. Before he can walk towerd him ar say something else Dum -E starts zooming around him. He chuckles at robot's excitement.

"I'm sorry I didn't come today Dum -E. I will come tomorrow promise. But I want to talk to Tony now so you can go." He says, to robot. Who quietly wheels away.

"I don't know how he listen to you. I have to say everything ten times for him to understand." Tony complaints, walking towerd him.

"You should talk to him with respact and kindness." Stiles shrugs.

"You can teach me that." Tony jokes. "What's keeping you awake at this time." He asks, dragging him inside.

"I came here becouse wanted to ask you something.... actually wanted you to do something." Stiles says.

"Anything kid." Tony encourages. Trying not to wrap Stiles in bone crushing hug.

"I was missing something from my room....I had pictures of me and dad, me and Scott, pack and some with mom and dad there." Stiles says, hesitantly.

"Are you missing them." Tony swallows thickly at that. Keeping his emotions at bay. He thought Stiles was happy with them.

But Stiles shakes his head in no. Making Tony sigh in relief but also making him confuce.

"Then what?"

"I have two pictures in my phone right now that I want to frame and keep in my room. I wanted to ask if you can..."

"Just send them to Jarvis. They'll be in your room when you'll wake up tomorrow." Stiles grins at that. Tony don't care who's pictures Stiles wants, he can give whole world to his son. That's just two pictures.

Stiles pulls out his phone from his pocket and sends the pics to Jarvis. He looks up at Tony with a smile and hugs him. Tony freezes for a second but wraps his own arms around Stiles too. Dreading when Stiles pulls away.

"Thank you so much Tony. These two people means world to me." Stiles says.

"You don't have to thank me for anything. Now go and sleep, you have school in the morning." He says, patting stiles on back.

Stiles nods and says good night tk him before leaving for his room. Tony watches as Stiles leaves. He sits on a chair for some minutes thinking about, how lucky he is to have ason like Stiles and how unlucky to miss seventeen years of his life.

"Jarvis show me the first picture." He asks, and Jarvis projects a picture of Stiles with Allison hugging. He was somewhere sure Stiles will choose her picture. It was obvious by how much he misses her.

 It was obvious by how much he misses her

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Tony just looks at girl in the picture. She didn't deserve to go that soon. She was so innocent and had a whole life for herself ahead. But she wasn't one to be a ordinary girl, she saved so may people....she saved his son. And he always will be grateful for that. She was a warrior.

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