My stomach flipped; I had originally hated the idea of going into the scouts, but here I was excitedly waiting for my squad assignment so I could go meet the soldiers I would be working with. As names were called, I felt like I would burst if I had to wait another second.

"Captain Smith's squad," Captain Andres continued reading from the paper in his hand, moving on as the previous handful of recruits that were called for Captain Hanji's squad started towards the stables. There was quiet mumbling around me, and I looked over at Ortho and Ben who were the only ones left of our group.

I gave him a questioning look, but before he could reply, my name was called out. "Katchen Roth," the captain said, pausing to look up at us. I stared at him wide eyed, waiting for the rest of the recruits to be called and hoping that I at least had Ortho or Ben with me.

"Alright, last is Captain Mike's squad," Captain Andres called. There were even more whispers and people shot looks over at me until the captain demanded silence. I didn't move, waiting for Ben and Ortho to be called before I headed over to the stables.

"What was that all about?" I asked quietly, hoping no one would hear our conversation, "And why am I alone?"

"I don't know why you're the only one," Ortho shrugged, "But you're on the most famous squad within the Scout Regiment. Erwin Smith's squad hasn't had any deaths since he became Squad Captain two years ago, and rumor has it that he's next in line for Commander."

"That doesn't necessarily mean they're good," I mumbled, following him and Ben to the racks where our saddles were held. I struggled with the heavy saddle; my horse was an unusually large stallion and required special equipment. Not only was I miserable about being the only recruit in my new squad, but I hated that I was assigned to such a big horse when I was such a small girl. All I needed was to stand out even more.

"I've seen them before," Ben interjected, "I don't think it's because they hold back."

"Can I just come with you guys?" I whined, stopping at Ortho's horse and setting down the saddle, "I'm sure no one will notice if there's one more person in your squad. I don't want to be alone with a bunch of veteran soldiers."

"You'll be fine, Kat," Ben assured, placing a hand on my shoulder before walking away to find his horse.

I sighed, the stables starting to thin out as everyone walked out the norther exit to where the squads would be waiting for us. I didn't want to be late, so I hurried over to my horse. His name was Ace, and he was a black stallion who's back landed above my head by a good couple of inches. I had ridden him the two days prior, but both times I had been bucked off by him.

He snorted and stamped the ground as I approached, and I gingerly opened the stable door. Approaching him with the harness, he shook his head around and made it difficult for me to get the straps around his head and chest. I felt like crying; nothing seemed to be going right today, and if this was going to be my position for a while then everyday was going to be one disappointment after the other.

I threw the rest of his gear on haphazardly and walked him out of the stable, wanting to find my squad before I had to spend more time fighting him to secure the saddle and straps. The squads were scattered around the field, and although I didn't know who Captain Smith was, one squad stood out because it didn't have any recruits.

As I went to join them, I could see my recruit comrades talking excitedly with the veterans on their squad. Ortho and Ben's squad leader could be heard shouting from all the way across the field; my heart sank as I approached the stoic group of soldiers that I would call my teammates, and something told me they weren't going to be quite as excited. They were all much older than me, and there wasn't a single female in the group. I approached slowly, watching the two men in front for any kind of reaction as I walked up.

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