
"You can wait after dinner. Best know that you will be punished" his hand slipped around my throat, squeezing it just the right amount as he placed one last long kiss to my lips before pushing me away "Now leave, I wasn't lying when I said I was busy" he smirked as i whimpered. I was so fucking horny, I needed to do something, maybe I could-

"I wouldn't even think about it, Anna" Draco didn't look up from his paper work as I groaned and left the room.

Until After dinner it was. 

The house was now empty. Kehlani and everyone else had left with Elora about ten minutes ago, after dinner. Draco and I were alone for the first time in months. He was upstairs and I was still in the dining room helping the elf's tidy up.

Pretty much trying to stall time until I have to go upstairs. As excited as I was, I was also terrified but in a good way. It has been so long that I've forgotten how rough Draco can really be.

After I was finished and I had stalled as much a single could I finally made my way up stairs. I knew Draco would be in our room because I saw him go up there not too long ago.

I push open the door to find that Draco ain't in there and in some way it's a relief as I sit down on the bed. I look around and realise that I had really taken over his room.

My makeup sat crowded over his bathroom sink, my scent etched into his pillows, my clothes hanging out of his draw and my hot curler sitting on his bedside table.

"You think your sly?" I snap my head to the door where Draco stood, he was shirtless with only a park of grew sweat pants on, making my eyes go Steiger down to his bulge "You must know by now that I'm very skilled in Legilimency. I heard what you said about that little potter boy"


"But I'm not mad and you know why? You can look at him and call him pretty all you like but at the end of the day I'm always the one to make you scream" Draco took a step closer to me, my breath hitching in my throat at the thought of what he heard me think "Nonetheless this is a punishment, so strip and lay on your back with your legs spread"


"Do as I say or this will be ten times worse" he snapped a so nodded, slowly peeling the clothing from my body piece by piece until I was completely bare for him. The room had a chill to it but I had a feeling I wouldn't be chilly soon.

I laid flat on my back with my legs spread a so watched Draco walk around to the side of the bed, crouching down before pulling a large trunk for under the bed. I had never seen this trunk before which made it 10x scarier.

Draco lifted the trunk with little to no effort as he placed it on the bed next to me. I gulped as I watched him open the trunk and slowly pull out a spread bar, handcuffs and a blind fold.

Once he got what he needed he closed the trunk, leaving those items out and putting the trunk back under the bed. Not a word was spoken as Draco pulled the bar as wide as it could go and clicked it around my ankles, the cold silver sending shivers up my body.

Next he picked up the handcuffs, chaining one of my wrists to the bed post and then my other to the other side. I dare not protest. I didn't wanna make this worse.

He left the blind fold on the bed as I looked at him, completely exposed, not a inch of my body was hidden from Draco's gaze and touch. I was spread wide for him, my legs and arms were not able to move and that's exactly what he wanted.

"We're not using the blind fold yet. I want you to watch what I do to you" whispered as his lips ghosted mine. I whimpered softly as the throbbing on my core got stronger. I needed release but I knew I wasn't getting it anytime soon.

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