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Song is Sinnerman, originally sung by Nina Simone but I specifically was listening to the rendition from the show Lucifer while writing. It really only applies to the beginning half of the chapter, but the original is such a long song you can easily read it through and have most of the song left over. Wholesome hours, my dudes. Enjoy!


  In hindsight, Sarvente wasn't sure why she and Ruv had been so worried about their relationship changing. It had ended up being just the same as it had always been, except now she got to kiss him instead of just pining away after him.

  Her days were now filled with helping the kids work on Selever's focus and her nights curled up with Ruv, being kissed breathless and basking in his touch. She'd been such a fool for ignoring her feelings for him for so long and then agonizing for weeks over taking the leap into lovers. She just couldn't stop touching him; her hand would rest on his arm as they passed one another in the day, or she'd hug him from behind while he was honing his knives, or she'd back him against a wall in the cloister and kiss him senseless for a few stolen moments and she couldn't find it in her to stop. She'd never been in love before, but if this was what it felt like she'd have let herself fall ages ago.

  He'd gotten even more protective of her; he'd hide out in the rood of the church during services, watching the congregation when there were no scheduled choir performances to make sure there was no funny business. He'd rush to open doors for her even if her hands weren't full, he'd make her snacks and coffee when she was working through the day on either Church business or figuring out the portal situation. He'd always been chivalrous to her, but recently he'd gotten more meticulous about it. She smiled to herself just thinking about it.

  Selever snapped his fingers in front of her face, and she jerked her head.

  "What were you saying? My mind was - "

  "Yeah yeah, thinking about Dad again," Sel grumbled. "I'd say I can't wait for the honeymoon phase to end, but unfortunately you guys never seem to fucking leave it since you act the same damn way even after two kids."


  "Yes Mom ," he said sarcastically. Rasazy glared at him.

  "Would it kill you to be less of a jerk?" She closed her book. "I think it's romantic and sweet. Mama and Daddy love each other, too many kids would kill for parents who show their affection so openly."

  "You read too many romance books. It's gross how they're always hugging and kissing." He stuck out his tongue. "I'm never going to be that way if I can help it."

  "Surely you'll fall in love someday, Sel," Sarvente said, looking at her son. He laughed.

  "Love? Hell no! I plan on being the Antichrist, love ain't got nothing to do with it! Lust maybe, but love? Nah."

  "And what about you, Rasazy?" Sarv turned to her daughter, more than a little upset. Ras thought about it.

  "I'm sure eventually I could fall in love. But I have big plans, love will have to wait."

  "She wants to take over Hell," Sel piped up, and Ras frowned and punched his arm.

  "Sel! You promised not to tell anyone!"

  "What, that you want to put a Queen in the Nine Hells again? It's not a secret, Ras. You're probably the only one with a right to it anyway."

  Sarv frowned. "And how do you intend to go about this? Every Pretender who tries disappears, and even if they get close the Princes won't let them take the throne. They're hopefully still too afraid of me to do that."

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