Memory #2

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<Wilbur's memory>

Wilbur always had a fascination with music. He loved the way it could tell a story in a catchy way. Everything about music was wonderful. So many different genres and types, there was something for everyone and something for whatever emotion you're feeling.

He room up the ukulele when he was 6. Then guitar when Wilbur turned 11. Since then he's learned more and gotten better.

Phil always said it was a phase or a hobby. Something that Wilbur would loose interest in very quickly. He hadn't though. For years he stuck with it, learning all his favourite songs and even creating some short melodies of his own.

"Wilby play me a song!" 7 year old Tommy whined. Phil and Techno had left yesterday leaving Wilbur and Tommy alone in the house again.

"What song?" Wilbur asked. He grabbed his guitar and sat back on his bed while Tommy thought about it.

"A new one!" Tommy grinned. The child bounced with excitement and Wilbur put his hands on the blonds shoulders to make him stop.

"Okay okay." Wilbur laughed.

He thought about it, he didn't learn any new ones. The brunet didn't except to have to know one by tonight to please a child. Wilbur glanced at Tommy and the child stuck his tongue out back. Ah there was the little gremlin Wilbur had come to know again. The older knew he didn't have much time before Tommy would get impatient and start complaining again.

So he started playing. Simple cords at first just to get started. Then he made them flow together better to create a new little melody. He made it get slightly more complex then back to what it was to alternate and add more layers to the music.

Tommy fell asleep soon after Wilbur started and Wilbur was thankful he didn't have to finish the song. He set the guitar down and pulled the blankets over Tommy before grabbing his notebook from the bedside table. He flipped to a new page and grabbed the pen that was shoved in the swirly spine. He wrote down all the cords and notes he played with slight moderation for what would sound better.

At first Wilbur was just going to finish writing that and then head to sleep. Ideas started sparking quickly, ways to make the song sound better and adding onto it and making it longer. It had been hours since he first started writing. Wilbur knew he had school tomorrow but he couldn't bring himself to stop.  Music was in captivating, it called to Wilbur in a way nothing else had.

Soon enough exhaustion set it and Wilbur had fallen asleep. When he woke up the notebook was still in his hand and Tommy was gone. The brunet panicked and ran downstairs to see Tommy eating a bowl of cereal.

"You looked tired so i got breaky for myself." Tommy said with a full mouth.

Wilbur sighed in relief, everything was okay. He walked Tommy to school then went to school himself but it was all a blur. Wilbur was fully invested in this song now and he wanted to add lyrics to it and another verse to the sheet music. The brunet was getting ideas and he was so excited.

For the next week and a half all Wilbur did was focus on his song. He procrastinated at school classes he didn't like, which meant his science mark was absolutely awful. Didn't matter in the end, Wilbur knew he wasn't going to do anything with science. What he needed was music. 

When Phil and Techno came back everything was good for a while. They stayed 2 weeks this time and Wilbur was so thankful. He had a chance to be a normal teenager for a couple of days instead of trying to be the parent.

"Wilbur dad wants to talk to you." Techno told him.

Wilbur nodded at his twin and walked downstairs while Techno went to his room. Phil was holding a piece of paper resembling a letter and a disappointed look on his face. Wilbur was confused, he hadn't done anything wrong recently had he?

"Wil, what's happened to your grades?" Phil phrased it like a question, but Wilbur knew it wasn't.

Wilbur looked at the ground in shame. He knew his grades had been slipping, but enough for Phil to notice? Wilbur managed to disappoint the one person he worked so hard to impress.

"Sorry." Willbur mumbled.

It was the only thing he could think to say. Apologizing was better than doing nothing in Wilbur's opinion. At least if he felt guilty maybe Phil wouldn't be as upset anymore.

"Guitar." Phil said.

Wilbur stared his father in the eyes confused but went to grab it anyways. It would be better if he cooperated and not fight back about what was about to happen. Wilbur entered the living room again and handed Phil his guitar hesitantly. He was nervous, his guitar was the only thing keeping him going right now. He wanted to trust Phil though, give his father the benefit of the doubt. Wilbur just had to be hopeful.

Wilbur wishes he hadn't. He stared in horror as Phil put it in his office and locked the door.

"It's going away for a couple days so you can focus on school." Phil said and walked away.

Wilbur couldn't stop staring. His guitar. Still there but just out of his reach. The brunet couldn't play it now. His one healthy copping mechanism gone just like that. Some part of Wilbur's brain was saying that this was Phil's fault. A larger part knew in the end it was all Wilbur. He let his emotions and dreams come in the way of school and this was the consequences. Wilbur cried so hard that night, he missed the comforting feeling of his guitar just being in the same room as him.

After two hours of not being able to sleep he went to Techno's room across the hallway. Wilbur knocked on the door and opened it when he heard Techno say come in. The pink haired teen stared at Wilbur when he entered. There were tear tracks still on his face and his eyes were glossy.

"Come here." Techno motioned towards his bed.

Wilbur did so silently and laid beside Techno. Techno picked up his book and let Wilbur hug him until the brunet fell asleep. Techno did not like physical touch, but he would make an exception for his family.

When Wilbur woke up he was alone again. This time he was in Techno's room. He walked downstairs anxiously with the thought of 'please not again' running in his mind. It was just as he feared, Phil and Techno left again.


Wanted to tell you we were leaving before we left but you were tired so I let you sleep. Take care.


Wilbur mentally thanked his brother for the note. Phil never bothered to anymore. Wilbur made a quick breakfast for Tommy but everything felt weird. It felt like something was missing, something important.

His guitar.

Wilburs eyes widened and he dropped what he was doing to run to the office. The door was still closed and Wilbur had a suspicion that the outcome of this wouldn't be good. The brunet grabbed onto the doorknob but it wouldn't turn. It was still locked and Wilbur didn't have a key. Wilbur's breath shortened as he wiggled the doorknob more.

"Please open," Wilbur said to himself.

He had always hated crying, but this was worth crying over. Instead of playing guitar at night he wrote lyrics to his incomplete song. Every night he would, trying to match them to what he thought the song would sound like.

"Theres a reason, London put barriers on the tube line. Theres a reason, London put barriers on the rails. That London puts barriers on the tube line." Wilbur sang quietly as he stared at his notebook.

He needed one more line to end it.

"there's a reason, they fail."


Phil regretted doing that to this day.

An entire month wilbur had to lie without his guitar. When Phil finally gave it back, Wilbur had genuinely cried as he held it. It stayed in Wilburs room after that. He no longer played in the living room or outside. Only in his room away from others.

"I wish i hadn't done that." Phil said quietly.

Ghostbur nodded with a frown. He didn't like most of these memories, they were all sad.

"Can we go to the next door? I want to be done with this." Ghostbur asked.

Phil nodded and together they approached the next door.

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