Memory #7

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Quick a/n: I'm re reading this and I'm very surprised I wrote it huh this chapter is kinda good actually LMAO

TW: character death

<Wilbur's memory>

They were loosing it. Wilbur was loosing it and they knew it. Not their mind no, they had a clear vision of what would need to happen. They were loosing L'Manberg.

They had lost the place to Schlatt, the buildings and the land. Yet they hadn't lost the people and what L'Manberg stood for. That stayed the same throughout all the wars and exile. Real people and friends stayed. Fakes did not. Everyone chose their side and this last battle would show who was the true victor of L'Manberg.

Wilbur always thought of themselves as a logical person. They thought ahead and took note of the possible outcomes and aftermath of each decision. Wilbur had gone over so many possibilities. There were so many negatives with siding with Dream. The positives however, were much larger.

Dream was supposed to be the villain in Wilbur's story. Wilbur had painted Dream as the bad guy so people would side with L'Manberg. They took everything little bad thing Dream has done and used it to turn people against the masked man. All so Wilbur could have L'Manberg.

It was an awful thing to do really, but if you read between the lines it's for the better good. Dream had a villainess side to him. He could be manipulative and he was power hungry. Two traits that aren't good together.

Dream was also logical though. He knew what Wilbur had wanted for their country. Dream reminded him that all of what L'Manberg stood for was gone. It left after betrayal and war seeped into the nations walls. It vanished when Schlatt took over.

Wilbur had grinned when he saw Schlatt again. Their old friend had returned after so long. Wilbur laughed when Schlatt ran against them. Wilbur frowned when Schlatt won and exiled them. Betrayal stung a lot, even worse the second time. Wilbur had initially thought they could trust Schlatt, then they forgot that Schlatt was always his partner in crime. Two dirty crime boys. Well a city crime boy and a dirty crime child.

The brunet knew Dream was manipulating them. They knew it was working too. Dream was just so logical and like Wilbur once mentioned, they weren't the most mentally stable person in the world. So when the idea of blowing it all up got planted in their head, Wilbur was drawn to it. The idea was so satisfying.

Destroying his greatest creating. Perhaps it would be a maniacs move. It would be worth it though. Getting rid of it would be better for everyone. No more pain and suffering. All of their family and friends could live in the Dream Smp safely. Wilbur had negotiated and played his cards right so Tommy would be safe after this final war was over. Wilbur just had to make sure it was the final war.

Wilbur heard the whispers behind their back. "I think he's loosing it." "Little bit crazy isn't he?". "Someone should check up on Wilbur. To make sure he's okay".

What stung was the HE part of all of it. They didn't care if everyone thought they lost their mind. Nothing Wilbur did made sense from an outsiders point of view and they were fine with that. No one else could hope to understand what Wilbur knew.

Though they suppose it was their fault in the end that everyone called them a 'he'. Wilbur refused to tell anyone except Eret. They could tell their sworn enemy they were going to blow up the nation, but they couldn't even tell the people they trusted about their gender.

Wilbur ran their hand against the wooden signs. Each word holding some importance that would be gone as soon as the button was pushed. The wood was cool and damp from the humid room. Wilbur hated this temperature.

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