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<Wilbur's POV>

The next time Wilbur opened their eyes they were on a train. It was dull and lifeless and Wilbur had no idea where it was headed. They tried to recall their memories but some were hazy.

Clarity hit all at once. They had died. Phil killed them. They blew up L'Manberg.

Wilbur laughed and ran a hand through their hair. They had done what needed to be done. Everyone else can finally have peace now.

Then the great part. Wilbur was dead. They didn't have to worry about pleasing the living and worrying about wars and ignorant dictators. They had all the time in the world to themselves.

The train stopped after what felt like hours. Wilbur stood up and exited the train, his trench coat flowing dramatically behind him. The only colours that seemed to be here were black, white, grey and red. It was rather boring but Wilbur didn't care. A train station was better than a humid ravine.

They walked slowly taking it all in. It reminded him of the Jubilee Line station back in London. He always went there when he was a teenager. At night it was beautiful and peaceful.

This place was eerily peaceful. There was never any people. The train came and went though no one was on it. At first this was great, Wilbur didn't have to confront anyone about their decisions. Then a month passed by and it was lonely. Four months. 2 Years.

Wilbur was sick of it. Every 24 hours he marked a tic on a wall to keep track of the days. Every day he would play solitaire for hours on end. Once a week he would try to get on the train, he would try and stop it but the train kept going. It left Wilbur behind each time.

Over 6 years in this place. Wilbur had excepted this is his fate. To be alone in this limbo train station forever. Then a smidgen of hope came. The train stopped and out came Tommy. Tommy would looked like he just got beat up. He looked awful.

"Tommy! good to see you mate! what happened?" Wilbur said.

Wilbur was concerned but it was masked by their excitement. They were so so happy to not be alone. Years of solitude but finally someone came. This was meant to be. Everything happened for a reason after all.

The next three months were amazing. They played competitive solitaire and two player kaiser. Wilbur was having the time of their death! tommy kept him sane and helped him realize that soon enough, all of his friend would be there with them and they wouldn't be alone.

When Tommy was getting revived Wilbur hugged him. They hugged Tommy until Tommy went of the train and it disappeared from view. Wilbur missed Tommy sure, but this was for the better.

Tommy was still a kid, he deserved to live and be happy. Whatever Dream did to him was awful and Wilbur almost regretted blowing up L'Manberg for the masked man. Almost but not quite.

Three more years alone. They weren't as lonely and awful as the first ten. These were calm and Wilbur had so much time to think and make sense of their life. They had time to think over every decision and they got to dream about what the SMP looks like right now.

The train came like usual and Wilbur watched as it was about to pass by. Then it stopped. Wilbur stared confused, did someone else die? Was he going to get a visitor?

The train doors opened and out came a grey figure looking almost exactly like Wilbur. There face was burning and tears fell down it as they held some blue object. Was this his ghost? what a loser, Wilbur thought.

The train didn't leave however. Wilbur stepped closer and it was then they realized they could go on the train. They walked to the front and saw the conductor. A masked man with a green hoodie. Dream.

"Ready to go?" Dream asked.

"hell ya." Wilbur grinned. They walked back to the seats and saluted at the crying ghost as they left the train station for the first time in 13 years.

When Wilbur woke up they were numb. Their mind felt fuzzy and they didn't know where they were. Tommy was beside them, throwing the same blue object the ghost had. There was another figure. Someone tall, they had half white and half black everything with mis matched eyes.

Wilbur took one look at the glass over top of a giant crater and realization clicked. This was L'Manberg. They were alive again. They were revived because of Dream.

"Oh." Wilbur looked Tommy in the eyes.

"Hello again"

And ya thats it the fic is done thanks for reading :) my AO3 (paperrcliip) has more dsmp stuff if you want so check that out! see you on the flip side bye

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