Part 2.5 - Back to Winfell

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Dara had a college final to take, so she flew back to Winfell ahead of me and Juno. We had to get their Vovlo back and I'm pretty sure I wasn't trusted to be out alone. So we drove.

"What made you think to do that?" Juno asks, glancing over at me.

"What, flood the place?"


"I'm an asshole," I laugh, "That's it. Like I said, I've known Derek since forever. He's always been kind of a jerk."

"He shouldn't have called you that," she says, eyes on the road (I wasn't trusted to drive).

"What---oh that. Whatever, I didn't actually figure he knew," I say.

"You're bi?" she asks, glancing quickly at me.

"Yeah---I yeah," I say, nodding, "I grew up—it wasn't the sort of thing we talked about. I understand your family is different."

"My dad has a live in boyfriend yes," she says.

"Also kind of my dad, right?" I ask.

"I mean, we don't know that," she shrugs, "We never did a DNA test. And you're basically normal."

"All my life I was weird, I meet you people, and I'm basically normal," I say, amused.

"I didn't mean—,"

"It's fine. it's funny. It's true," I say, "So, what trippy things do you do?"

"I don't---I don't do anything," she says, shaking her head a little, dark hair tangling with her silver hoop earrings. I feel the urge to reach out and fix it and I resist because that is creepy.

"I thought you did it to me, last time that bitch tried to mind control me?" I ask, knowing fully well she did. Did she not remember?

"Yeah no I---I don't do it though. I do things like her," she says, "So I don't want to."

"Things like control people's minds?"

"I mean—I guess. Yeah. yes."


"Do you still trust me?" she asks, looking over at me quickly.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I mean, after what she did—"

"You're not her are you?"


"Okay then, yeah of course I trust you. You're here, helping me with this—mess."

"We're going to get you free. You just have to prove to my dad and everyone you're going to not cause problems," she says, confidently.

"You realize that once I have the opportunity I'm gonna try to kill your mom again?" I ask.

She sighs, "Can you not?"

"Because you don't think I should?"

"Because I---I don't think you'll win."

"Considering I have nothing left to live for that is not gonna stop me," I say, curtly.

"What about your brother?" she asks, not looking at me again.

"Isaac is fine," I say, well aware Isaac isn't fine, "He's been clean for a couple of years now, and has custody of his kid again. He's fine."

"That doesn't mean he doesn't need you."

I shrug.

"I'd miss my big brothers if something happened to them."

"How many big brothers do you have?" I was only aware of like one.

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