It all sounds so good, if only it didn't come at the cost of twenty three other children.

Rosalie can hear the cheers of the crowd as Caesar Flickerman address them all, talking of the Games that have just passed

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Rosalie can hear the cheers of the crowd as Caesar Flickerman address them all, talking of the Games that have just passed. Much like at the time of her first interview, her hands are shaking. She's terrified to go back out in front of thousands of people.

"Whilst these Games were relatively short, we still got to see plenty of action. Twenty three people are no longer with us, and we offer condolences to their families, however one remains standing. The Victor of the 68th annual Hunger Games, Rosalie Barton!"

The intensity of the crowd is enough to make her want to turn around and run the other way, but Finnick gives her a gentle nudge and she steps onto the stage. A fake smile appears on her face as she walks forward, lifting her hand to wave at those who are waving at her. They all look so happy, it makes her feel sick.

"Take a seat! Take a seat!" Caesar beckons over the hesitant girl and she follows, sitting down in the large chair. "It's wonderful to see you again!"

"It's wonderful to be here," her voice is soft and quiet, her nerves shining through.

"I'd like to start by congratulating on your victory! Those were a rough few days for you there but you prevailed. How's the hand?"

Rosalie looks down at her patched up hand. "A lot better. Still a little sore but nothing I can't handle,"

Caesar smiles at her and nods his head, crossing one leg over the other as he looks at her closely. Rosalie awaits his question, knowing by his expression that it may be one that is harder to answer.

"We will be looking through the highlights of your Games shortly but before we do that, we will have President Snow join us on stage to present you with your crown,"

The man in question walks out onto the stage to a large round of applause from the people of the Capitol. Rosalie gets to her feet respectfully as he moves closer to her and stops in front of her.

"Congratulations, Miss Barton," His voice is rough and his eyes frighten her greatly.

"Thank you," She replies quietly as the crown is gently placed on her head.

The President returns to his seat and leaves Rosalie with Caesar once again. "Now, we will look through what happened in your Games,"

Rosalie looks at the screen as the area dims and her heart begins to race as she watches all of the tributes dash off the platforms. She knows she cannot look away, it would be received badly by the audience. Her breath hitches as she sees Mellie kill the young boy who she now knows was Fallon's District partner, James. The sadistic look in her eyes sends a shiver up Rosalie's spine.

She is forced to see all the deaths she didn't witness in person, all thirteen people who passed in the initial bloodbath. The brunette is hardly able to stomach the images, all of them horrible. Some people in the arena died painfully and it's terrifying.

When she appears on the screen with Fallon at her side, tears pool in her eyes. Zachariah stumbles through the trees and she finally has to look away, a tear falling down the side of her cheek. The images flash through her mind anyway, the boy from One choking on his own blood as Zachariah bled out beside him. She can hear her own voice as she puts them both out of their misery.

Then it's Fallon, who she watches take a spear through the back before she crumbles to the ground. Watching herself fight the boy is odd, her efforts look feeble in comparison and yet somehow she managed to gain the upper hand.

The video zooms through to the finale where she and Mellie are fighting one another. Her knife embeds itself within the blonde's chest and then she falls to the ground — the nightmare finally over.

The audience applauds again and Caesar joins them, a dazzling smile on his face. 

"Magnificent! Tell us, Rosalie, what is the first thing you will do upon returning home?" He asks and she allows a small smile to flick up.

"Spend time with my family,"

"Wonderful! We will see you in a few months time for your victory tour. Ladies and Gentlemen, Rosalie Barton — your Victor of the 68th Hunger Games!"

I'm really enjoying writing this so probably expect some more updates over the week. Thank you for reading!!

HURRICANE, finnick odair (hiatus) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin