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Tony POV
This morning I called Bruce and he told me I could bring Rora to the compound and he'd check her out. So here we are in the compound lab with Steve and I staring at Bruce as he asks Aurora questions. She doesn't really seem to care either she's just swinging her small feet back in forth because the chair she's in is too big for her.

Bruce POV
Tony and Steve are seriously getting in my nerves by staring like that. This isn't an exhibition! I began to question the little princess in front of me. "Let's see Rora can you tell me who your dad is?" She pointed to Tony. "Ok good job" next I held up a picture of Loki "between these two who's your dad?" Again she pointed to Tony. "Do you not wanna talk?" She shook her head. "Ok that's fine" I spoke calmly so as not to make her feel like she's being quizzed. "Do you know you're special?" She nodded "why?" She shrugged. "Your powers right?" I asked she lifted her hand and made a big blue butterfly appear. "Yup exactly right" I confirmed snapping a quick photo for documentation. I watched the butterfly dissipate as I began another question "where did your powers come from?" She pointed to the picture of Loki I had set on the table. "Right good job !" "Since shield took you are you afraid of closed spaces?" She nodded. "Are you afraid to be alone?" She nodded again. "Are you always afraid of being taken away?" She nodded. Wow poor kid. "Is there anything that makes you feel not or less afraid?" She pointed at Tony. He smiled softly towards her and gave a little wave. She smiled and waved back. "Can we be done now?" She asked with anticipation "last question are you afraid of the man your powers came from?". There was a long pause but then she spoke "no, I like him and I want to know him". Sometimes I couldn't believe she was 7 other times is very evident. She said such adult things it was hard to believe. "Ok we're done with questions can you lay back for me?" She leans back onto the exam chair. "Friday full body scan please" I told the AI "right away sir". Rora was scanned and within a matter of seconds she was off the chair and in her dad's arms. He lifted her up and walked towards the door "Bruce could you please let me know when you have those results ready I'll be near by I promised Aurora I'd show her the compound and let her meet everyone she hasn't". "Sure no problem" I nodded as he carried his little girl out of the lab on his shoulder. And then it was just me and creepy Steve.

Aurora Lokison Stark Where stories live. Discover now