chapter six • forgotten

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"Forgive me."

Forgiveness wasn't a part of Veer's plan. He snickered while digging a dagger in an old man's neck, cutting him off completely.

"And this is what you get after burning little kids alive."

He still hadn't forgotten the helpless screams which could make one's entire body shiver, bloodshot eyes, burnt skins, evaporated eyes. Even if he wanted to forgive, he simply just couldn't because there was a part of him which burnt along with the dead bodies of his tiny friends, his childhood.

The strings attached to bloodshed he had seen existed there forever. His teenage was spent crying over seeing fire, blood, getting over the fear of knives. The horror stories people talked of seemed nothing in front of what he had seen with his own eyes.

He wasn't this brave back then. Nightmares were like his unwanted pals which stayed inside his mind like an insect, eating it up slowly and mercilessly. Panic never abandoned him and the fear was an impassable road he couldn't cross no matter how hard he tried. What he had seen was insanity and cruelty, something his sensitive weak soul couldn't grapple around his mind, causing him to cry everytime he saw blood... even if it was his own.

It took ages for him to fight with his fears but there wasn't anything impossible for him, because the urge to change and protect his people was so strong that it couldn't stop his growth. He gathered all his strength and fought his darkest fears. Few of his wounds were healed but the remaining ones were still fresh, almost as if all of it had happened some time ago.

The memories of past flashed in front of him. It seemed unreal, he was just a child back then. Weak. Helpless. A child who wept for years remembering those screams. A small burn makes one wince and scream in pain, the unimaginable torture of burning bodies didn't seem to leave his mind.

Tears rolled down his eyes as he smiled while staring up at the dark sky. The dead souls of children who were of his age would probably feel better now... wherever they were, their murderers were dead now. In fact he had finished every single one of them. The ones who thought that their actions wouldn't have consequences were met with the result of their past wrongdoings.

For years, he had been waiting to end the guards who were involved in brutality against the Magicians. For years, he had waited for this moment.

"I'm sorry, it took me this long to avenge your deaths. I think, all of you feel probably that I've forgotten you, I haven't. You were my friends...the distance between us cannot seperate us. We dreamt of living our lives together, we wanted to be healers and save the world but the world didn't deserve you."

He fell down to his knees and cried silently. The long forgotten winds suddenly started touching his face, the kind of winds which smelt like his childhood, the winds which reminded him of every person he had lost years ago had arrived after years to indicate that a chapter of his life was about to end.

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