¤《 Moonlight & coffee steam》¤

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"I'm sorry Sam, if I knew this was going to happen I would've-" Sam shushed him. He enjoyed the extra body warmth provided off of Bucky.


Sam Huddled closer against Bucky as the wind blew against them. It was a cold April. The trees were starting to bloom and the people were buying crop seeds and tools. The garden maze might have been a mistake but the chilly springtime breeze was the worst.

"Here take my jacket, you need it more than I do." Bucky said, wrapping the coat around sam.

"You don't-"

"Take the damn jacket. You're not my manager."

Sam rolled his eyes. A modern car pulled up and Sam walked to the side window. He explained the whole story and why they fled the state.

"I don't trust him."

"Too damn bad we have to go. You owe me."

"Fuck. Well keep him in bird's eye view. He's still a criminal in my mind."

"I heard that." Bucky said quietly.

The truck popped, Sam took Bucky's bag putting it into the car along with his.

"Bucky, this is Steve. Steve this is-"

"I know who he is." Steve snapped.

"I'm sorry." Bucky muttered.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Steve asked looking into the rear view mirror.

"I. I don't know, I dragged Sam into this now you're involved. I should've just stayed and waited for the cops."

Steve looked back down at the road. "You didn't mean to kill that man did you."

"It was out of self-defense."

Bucky slunked into the rear seat. His head is visible to see in the mirror. The dark night sky still looked blue. Steve's house neared, the asphalt road turned to gravel. Sam was asleep in the passenger seat.

"You get him up. I'll grab your bags." Steve sighed. He sounded exhausted.

The car parked in front of a small ranch house. A couple more houses laid on the property. Bucky tapped Sam gently. "Time to wake up sleepy."

Sam groaned and stretched out. "That was fast."

The duo climbed out of Steve's car. Into the ranch house. They were greeted by two hunting labs and a small barn cat finn. The living room was large and had a rustic indie look to it. Steve walked in behind them. "You two will be staying over in Clint's cabin. Follow me."

The 3 walked outside, Steve handed them a map. "Follow the yellow trail until it goes to teal. You'll have a 4 wheeler to get there. In the morning I'll be trading it for the golf cart." Steve shut the carts lid. The battery started to charge.

"Just don't break anything or steal anything." He turned to Bucky. "Don't accidentally kill sam."

Bucky climbed onto the 4 wheeler Sam sat on the wheelbarrow connected to it, probably by Clint doing a stupid idea. They took off, small bright trail markers helped guide them through the farm terrain. The log cabin lights were on. Bucky parked the 4 wheeler next to the bonfire pit.

Sam was dead asleep in the wheelbarrow.

"How the fuck is that comfy." Bucky muttered. He slipped his hands under Sam's back picking him up bridal style. The two bags were at the bedroom door. The problem was, he was carrying a heavy ass man and the door was closed.

He propped his leg against the door frame switching Bucky from one of his arms to his legs. The door opened half way. Bucky crossed the room to set Sam down on the bed. He walked back to bring the bags in.

"Ermmm." Sam whined as he tried to pull up an invisible blanket. Bucky bit his lip to hold in a laugh. He went to the closet and grabbed an extra blanket and pillow. "I'll take the couch tonight then." He mumbled. He set the bedding on the beds end. Grabbing a separate thin blanket he tucked in Sam. "Good night."

He walked out, closing the door. The kitchen light was on. A small note was left on the counter.

'Your fridge has some food. I recommend going into town tomorrow.'

Bucky left the note on the counter setting up his bed. He took off the back cushions, lying down two new pillows, he had a sheet covering the seat cushions.l, and a small blue and white blanket. Sam walked out of the room wrapped in the blanket Bucky had tucked him in with.

"Thought you left me here and fled the country." He chuckled tiresomely.

"Never." Bucky said back.

"You should've woken me up, I would have taken the couch."

"It's a bit rude to do. You seemed to be having a cold dream. You kept reaching for blankets."

Sam's eye widened a little before snapping shut and opening again.

"Well I was just cold from the small ride here that's all." His ears were blushed. He was clearly lying but Bucky didn't care. He didn't really know this guy yet he felt like he's been with him his whole life.

Bucky smiled. "I insist you sleep in the room. I owe you one pal."

Sam sat on the couch.

"But I don't wanna."

"Then I can sleep on the floor."

"Then I'll sleep outside." Sam shot.

"I'll sleep in the dirt." Bucky returned.

"I'll sleep in the Hay." The two spoke at the sametime.


Sam went to lay down on the couch all the way but Bucky grabbed him. He held Sam.

"Could you please sleep in the room tonight."

"Fine..." Bucky went to let go of Sam but Sam grabbed his hand.

"But you're coming too."


Okay one more thing until my full attention put towards this book. Have a good day or night.

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